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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

do I need to use XML for web form


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I am fairly new to Filemaker and I am trying to create a web form for a database that is hosted on FMP Server 5.5, then shared on the web via a Mac running FMP Unlimited 5.5.

For example:

Let's say I want to enter information for vehicles into the one database.

When the user selects vehicle type A,B or C, they are then taken to a different 'form' essentially a different layout of the same database but only showing fields related to the type of vehicle they have.

The basic page would look like this:


Enter your name: [____________]

Enter your userid: [___________]

What type of vehicle do you have:

(A) Car

(: Bus

© Motorbike


After they enter a few pages of information, I would then want them to submit the form.

My questions are:

(A) can I do this solely within Filemaker?

(I have a version 6 client I edit the databases with)

(: How do I submit the form

© Do I need to use XML?

If so, where are some good sources for people new using Filemaker with XML?

(Or simply some places to learn XML online.) I don't mind reading and experimenting but could do with a hand getting pointed in the right direction.

(D) If I have to use XML would using Dreamweaver MX be of any help?

Any help greatly appreciated.


Peter confused.gif

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Hi Again,

I forgot to say that when the user selects the option A,B or C, this value gets inserted into the vehicle_type field and then the user is taken to the next appropriate form.

At this stage I'm thinking of either using a drop-down menu or radio buttons with a 'Next' button.

Thanks Again,


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You could try instant web publishing first and see if it gets close to what you want. Custom Web Publishing will then probably be your bet.

I don't think you'll need XML, just CDML and perhaps a bit of Javascript will suffice.

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