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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Find mode in Instant Web Publishing


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Here is something I was playing with in Instant Web Publishing...

In my database layout I have a "Find" button and a "Submit" button. When clicking on the "Find" button via web browser when viewing the database, the page goes into Find Mode. You can then enter the criteria, and then hit the "Submit" (which uses the exit record/request script) to process the find.

Here is the odd part. The pages automatically goes to some sort of a table layout (not one I have built in the database) that shows all the fields and records. This is of course fine, you just click on the record you wanted and it goes back to the original layout the find was initiated in. I can't seem to figure out which fields and in which order they show up in the table when the find results are shown.

Anyone know how to change this table layout?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Odd that none of the experts answered this one. I am relatively new at using WC but I have figured this one out. The solution is to do a layout in column format and then set your WC preferences to use that layout for finds. I believe that you will be able to initiate your finds both from your button and from the columnar layout. (The default columnar layout built into WC appears to set its columns in the same order as the tabbing is set on your "default" layout. So by doing your own columnar layout, you have better control of the field order.) Hope this helps!

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bobwhite, Larry Ross, PyreX (I'm leaving someone out), it is good to see you folks contributing about IWP. Like Vaughan says, most of us use Custom and have never tried Instant. Since you have started these conversations I have stopped saying to every IWP inquiry "...it's wysiwyg". Keep up the good work. It is refreshing.

I would guess that one way to overcome the wysiwyg factor is as bobwhite just noted, create your own layout (in this case columns) or rearrange your layout.

Whether peer-to-peer, or over a browser as IWP or CWP, a successful solution is a result of good design.

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This topic is 8227 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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