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Just don't get it!

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Ok please don't laugh at this...

I can build and make almost anything happen in FMP5.5, but I don't know how to make calls to the database and display database info on the web. I've tried CDML tools, but that doesn't work either.

I just don't get it...

Can someone atleast tell me some basic stuff so I can get somethin' going here. I'm starting to loose confidence here! lol

Anything will help



[ March 19, 2002, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: Addam ]

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The general concept is that a url, or form, is passed to FM (WebCompanion) which then opens a format file (html/cdml) which includes data from the database being accessed.

Fist step is to setup WebCompanion. Second is to enable WebCompanion Sharing for that database.

Next is to have a layout which includes all the fields, that you will be using, from the database.

Now create a format file and save it to the 'Web' folder of the FM program folder. The format file will include cdml tags for viewing data; e.g.???

First Name: [FMP-Field: firstname] <br>

(This is assuming that the field 'firstname' is in your database and on the layout you intend to use.)

Now, how to call that format file and have it processed by WebCompanion. Two ways, one is by a url and the other is by a form. Here is an example url:


This url assumes that WebCompanion is setup for port 80. Otherwise, if for example your WebCompanion was setup for port 1500, your url would look like this:


Hope this helps.


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"How did you come up with that url?"

Once comes up with a url and other stuff by writing html. In order to interact with a FMPro database file one needs to integrate cdml tags into the html code as well as set up Web Security and Sharing options.

Much of this is explained by FMI at various places. There are many books available. There are classes. There are interactive demonstrations which you can purchase and follow (and take apart).

In addition to the integratin of cdml into html there are other issues which must be dealt with. For example, nowhere in the literature provided by FMI will you find cautions against running scripts in you browser solutions. Nor does FMI explain why a product which they sell as being able to work easily with html not work as in their examples unless you use an additional language, JavaScript.

You may want to visit my site.

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Since Gary answered correctly your question about -how- to form an URL to query FMP through a web browser, i'll answer the underlying question a FMP-broken but new to web companion programmer should know.

The web (http) part is stateless. Every new request (web page) is one, or many, new connections to say the least. The web browsers allow a level of user control that practically forces us to redo every layout, interface, text formating etc..., even with FMP Unlimited.

I think you may prefer using FMP-to-FMP via internet or create Filemaker Developer's standalone applications rather than sitting on the HTML, CDML, CCS, JavaScript, XML, plug-ins, OS and browser beginners classes until summer has gone.

Unless otherwise proven that is wink.gif


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