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Runtime and Open Hosts for 5.5 Dev


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Hi there,

I was just looking through Filemaker Developer 5.5 manual - it did not say anything about "Open Hosts" script step NOT being supported.

When I tried it in runtime solution, Filemaker gave me this weird error "Filemaker cannot open Open host ... because you have not chosen any network protocol in Application preference". But when do go to Application Preference of runtime solution, there is no such thing as choosing network protocol ! Has anyone faced the same problem?

Also, can multi user runtime solution be only acheived if filemaker server was being used to serve the files? In that case, how many client version of runtime can connect to the server?

Many thanks in advance.

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No, I have not run into this problem because I have not tried it. Runtimes cannot be networked at all. Therefore, Hosts and network dialogs will not function properly.

Any attempt to access runtime files over a network will most likely cause data corruption if you can access them at all.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bound files can be hosted by FMS if FMS is configured to host single user files and the extension (like .USR) is registered with FMS.

Actually works quite well. You should note though, when you do this the runtime files cannot be set to multiuser hidden...all of the hosted files will show in the hosts box.

This makes some things easier some tougher.

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What needs to be realised is that you have to have a copy of FMP to access runtime solutions on FMS.

Otherwise, how do you expect to get the "hosts" dialog - that is a function of FMP, but not runtime solutions.

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