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remember tokens?

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I have a web page that performs a search. Depending on that search result, a new web page opens (summary.html) with the correct CDML to show those results from my database.

I am going to add a link on summary.html to link to another web page called help.html that is totally unrelated to the database.

Is it possible to add a button in the help.html page that when clicked will go back the the original summary.html page and remember the search criterial used and show the same info.


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For reasons I wont get into I cant have the new page open in its own window.

Right now if I am in the web page that is in the filemaker chain (summary.html), my link to the new non-filemaker chain page is as follows:

<a href="help.html"><img src="help.gif" height="26" width="26" border="0"></a>

So I dont quite get what I should add into this link to keep the chain alive into the help.html page. And on the help page I want to add a link back to the summary.html page and have it remember the chain.


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You can make the link look like this:


<a href="FMPro?-db=anydb.fp5&-format=help.html&-view"><img src="help.gif" height="26" width="26" border="0"></a>

You can add tokens to reconstruct the find for returning to the previous page. You could also look at using [FMP-link] with '-view' to maintain the original url.


[ April 12, 2002, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Garry Claridge ]

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This topic is 8141 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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