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I need records to auto advance to the next record upon completion of the previous record, is there a way to do this in Filemaker 6.0. I am using this for data entry but if someone has to stop entering to click for the next record this will decrease productivity. Will Filemaker do what I am wanting or should I look into another program?


Hi FileBrakerPro smile.gif

If you don't want the User to lift their hands to click a button, what you will require is the ability to execute Go To Record/Request NEXT upon field exit. In that case, I'd recommend something like ScriptIt, which handles this situation nicely. There are ways in FM to accomplish this but I've been directed (by several on this Forum) to use a plug-in such as ScriptIt for handling it.

It can be found at ScriptIt. You could attach a script to the last data-entry field which would Go To next record, then jump into your first field on the next!



I can think of a few ways to do what you want to do, but need a bit more info (ie: will you need a new record after completing a record or will the records already be in place??


Hi FileBrakerPro!

Ahhh, I thought you meant the next record already existed! In that case, just have your users type [CTRL] N (which will generically create a new record) ... or if you wish to control other things when the new record is created, you can write a script and it will assign [CTRL] 1 to it! Then the User can type [CTRL] 1 to create a new record.



If you do not want a plugin. Create a field, call it "Validate" or whatever, when a user is done with a record they could click a button called next record. The script would be:

Set Field [Validate,"X"]

If [Validate = "X"

New Record/Request


Exit Script

The reason I used a field like Validate is if you needed to modify a previous record with out creating a new record.

You could look at the events plugin by waves in motion that way when the last field was completed it would automatically run your script.

Hope this gives you some ideas.



Okay, but in order for it to auto advance I will need to write a script. Which brings me to my next question. How do I write a script to do this...I think my head is going to be hurting by the end of this for some reason.


Hi FileBrakerPro!

Hang in there! Once you get the concept, you'll love it. But first I want to clarify something. You keep saying when it auto-advances! What do you mean? Is your User on a Form or a list? Either way, when they finish their current record and create new record, it auto advances (if I understand your meaning) because the User would immediately be IN the new record to begin data-entering.

Having said that ... to write a script:

1) Select Script > ScriptMaker

2) Type your script name (such as New Record) then select 'Create'

3) Then scroll down until you find bolded Records

4) Double-click New Record Request then say okay

5) Be sure to click at the bottom right to 'Include in Menu'

Now, FM assigns shortcut keys [CTRL] 1 etc. according to the order scripts are listed in ScriptMaker, so if it's your first script, it will automatically assign a shortcut key for you. Give it a try and let us know if you run into any problems. I doubt you will.



By Auto Advance I mean when they finsh inputing data into the last field on a form that it will go to the next form without out having to hit any keys or click any buttons......So when they hit Tab on the last field of that form it automatically goes to a new clean and clear form for entering the next record.



Hi FileBrakerPro,

When you've written the script as I've outlined, it will work. Try it!

The User will complete the entry on their form, hit [CTRL] 1, it will create a new record and the form will be 'clean and blank' for them to begin again. Now, if you mean there is more than one form in which they are data-entering and you need the User to go to another layout (form) to start their data entry, just include that in your script (Navigation > Go To Layout, then select your next form name).



But I don't want them to have to hit ctrl-anything, I want to keep it simple. I want them to just hit tab at the last field and then it move to the next record. Just like it does in forms in Access. The fewer keystrokes there are the faster records can be entered, and the less complicated it is the easier it is for me to impliment for widespread use at my company..Access Sucks. I like the way this program works, it just seems that they have left out quite a few simple tasks that are used regularly in Data entry.



Well I'm a heavy data-entry user myself and hitting [CTRL]1 to create a new record is as easy as it gets. You don't want a user to be able to create a new record hitting TAB - what if they don't WANT to create another new record? You'll end up with blank new records.

FM can do anything you require, FileBrakerPro, except do your dishes smile.gif If you really want a User to create a new record whenever they tab out of a field, you'll have to go with a plug-in, but I wouldn't recommend this approach. I think it'd come back and bite you!

Edited: When I say I wouldn't recommend this approach, I mean letting a User create a new record using tab.



The ability to activate a script when exiting a field is not native to FileMaker. You either have to use a plugin, or implement one of the workarounds that are available at www.fmfiles.com called Exit Fields or something.

I think your answer lies in your own tag line.

> hmm.......I wonder what this button will do?

Create a button on the layout where they would be when finishing imputing, Label the button "Enter" or "Post" or whoever on it. Create a script for this button using the Message step and give them two choices.

1). New Record - Creates a new record for imputing.

2). Finished - Takes them to a new layout or whatever you feel is right.

Also, it you have a set of users now, ask them what they prefer in moving around the layout.

I agree with LaRetta, you need to be careful of them creating a lot of empty records.





okay......well thanks guys and gals.....hopefully I will figure something out. All the plug-in things are a real turn-off to me though, why doesnt filemaker nativly include these features...?


>okay......well thanks guys and gals.....hopefully I will figure something out. >All the plug-in things are a real turn-off to me though,

>why doesnt filemaker nativly include these features...?

WE are not filemaker. We are working with Filemaker. We also do not like EVERYTHING of Filemaker. We make the best of what is offered which is 98% smile.gif and 2% confused.gif

As the motivation of your question lies in increased tightly scheduled productivity and simplicity.. once a plugin-option doing what you want resolved, always resolved!



Why not use a (self-relation) portal. You can tab through exising records, and when you are at the end of the existing records, a new record will be created automatically.


>Why not use a (self-relation) portal.

>You can tab through exising records

>and when you are at the end of the existing records

>a new record will be created


THIS IS THE ANSWER!! with credits to jfmcel

And it makes all the former posts superfluous. It's once again an example of the versatility of Filemaker...



Why not use a (self-relation) portal. You can tab through exising records, and when you are at the end of the existing records, a new record will be created automatically.

laugh.gif Okay....what are the steps that I would go through to accomplish this? This sounds exactly like what I am trying to accomplish....please be paitient with my questions and responses, as I have only used this program as long as I have been a member of this board which is about 1 day....maybe 2......Thanks. grin.gif


Viewing records by a selfjoin portal.


1)Create a key-field, a number field with for instance "1" in it. But you may also choose "41356" if you like. This field must be in all the records. Make the field auto enter this value so new records will have this field completed. In an existing database use the Menu option Records/Replace to add this field, with the "1" in it. Name it Key or something like that.

2)Create a selfjoin relationship with this "1" field on both sides as the match field. All records will be in the portal you will create in the next step.

3) Create a lay-out and draw a portal. This portal must be attached to the relationship you set up in step 2. Place your fields in this portal. Make the portal so that a vertical slide bar is there.

That's it. O, you may want to check the tab-order in the portal-fields.

There are some options considering portals you may want to check/uncheck. You can delete records if you delete a portal row. That's an option. And there is some more which I do not recollect, but look at the FM-help also.

For myself I like to add 4 buttons which perform the 'go to portal-row first, previous, next, and last', to facilitate navigating through the portals-rows.

This in a nutshell. Others may correct me but I think this is ok.



To limit the number of records in the portal, you could make the relationship based on the date. Create a calculation field set to status(currentdate) and a date field (call it say Creation Date). Make your self relation with the calculation on the left side and the field Creation Date on the right. This way, for data entry, you will only see the records created today. Alternatively you could use the user name, Customer ID, whatever, in a global field (always on the left side of the relationship).

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