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I am creating just a simple basic cdml page and anything that I use CDML for is not working. Ex. [FMP-Record] or [FMP-Field: Name]

Is web companion not working or am I doing something wrong. It's been a while since I used CDML since I primarily use XML so I'm sure it's something very simple.




You have a database open (with the fields you are referencing on the layout that is active)?

The Filemaker preferences is set to use WebCompanion (port 80 or 591)?

You are accessing on the same computer with http://localhost/index.html (or whatever the html file is called)? (or http://localhost:591/index.html - if the port in WebCompanion setup is set to that port)?

You have specified the database and format.html file?

The submit or find is formatted correctly?


In the URL that you are using to call the CDML page, change the "-format=myPage.cdml" section to "-format=-fmp_xml". Do you get the XML back?

If yes, then something is wrong with your CDML.

If no, then something is wrong with your URL or with the FileMaker or Web Companion setup.


The result is just the CDML tags and not the data from FileMaker. ex. [fm:field Name] It does work when I use the format as an xsl stylesheet as usual and I have gotten my cdml to work previously. I have recently gotten IIS on my computer and maybe that could be the reason? Why would XSL work than? Everything is right with my CDML, I am sure of it.





Yes I have this, it was late and I wasn't paying attention, sorry. I have all of web companion set up right, because xsl pages are working. It seems that the cdml is not working because I have IIS now? I don't know what else it could be.

Justin Grewe


First with all of the databases open in filemaker type this in the address bar: http://localhost/fmpro?-db=Student.fp5&-lay=StudentMain&-format=-fmp_xml&-styletype=text/xsl&-stylehref=Logon.xsl&-findall

Then in the Student database and in the StudentMain layout copy one of the values of the StudentPin field. Paste this in the login.

Then click on the login link. After this go and choose one of the courses. Then comes the problem...

From the evalrespond.xsl, the user clicks one of the courses, then the courses.htm page with the cdml appears with the cdml field tags but no dynamic data. Don't know whats wrong.

Justin Grewe

Filemaker Files.zip


Try changing the Form in "evalrespond.xsl" to this:

<form action="FMPro" method="POST">

<input type="hidden" name="-db" value="Questions1.fp5" />

<input type="hidden" name="-lay" value="Main" />

<input type="hidden" name="-format" value="courses.htm" />

<input type="hidden" name="-Token.0" value="{fm:COL[4]}" />

<input type="submit" name="-findall" value="Submit" />


Also in "courses.htm" [FMP-CurrentToken.0] should be [FMP-CurrentToken:0]

Good Luck.


This topic is 7700 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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