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Cloning tables as well as files

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Well, I am one of those that chose to keep everything within one file. It is my first network experience and it seemed simpler (security-wise particularly). Don't yell at me!! smile.gif

I will probably be changing the structure to separation once I can catch my breath. In the meantime, there is one thing that FM can do that would really help. The theory of Save A Copy As ... empty clone or all records. Darned if it wouldn't be handy to choose - on a table by table basis, whether to include the records or not.

I currently have a solution that is being designed (with tables being populated via migration) at home while other tables are simultaneously being hosted and used daily. To integrate the two, I have to decide whether to Clone my design without records and import all the tables from the hosted design plus manually re-import all my conversion tables - or manually delete from only the tables they are changing! I am migrating data into 14 other tables that have not changed ... but there are 20 tables that have. crazy.gif

It will be a long night. Allow Users to select which table to Clone Empty and which to Clone with data - on a table by table basis, please FM. smile.gif


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That's what I'm currently doing but one table alone that needs to be deleted is 520,000 records and several are 300,000 plus; and it takes time to run this script through all appropriate tables. I know Cloning an empty file is instantaneous - indicating that FM can do it much faster than a delete script. wink.gif

Ah, it's just late and I'm trying to find someone to blame for my all-nighter. But I still think it would be a good idea and serve many purposes. Thanks for responding Wim. smile.gif


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