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disappointed at FM's ODBC/JDBC support...

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this is probably not FM's fault for poor ODBC/JDBC usability. as i was just trying to see if FM's ODBC/JDBC connections work well, i got stopped once and once again by SequeLink's annoying error messages.


- cannot connect to remote FileMaker sharing file at all (shared by FMP). returns error code "authorisation failed."

- cannot connect to local hosted files if the filename has spaces

- Crystal report cannot access to the database if it contains complicated structure and foreign characters


- cannot connect to remote FileMaker sharing file at all (shared by FMP). returns error code "authorisation failed." (stunned to discover that it's the same thing as ODBC's)

- when trying to access the columns by generic SQL statements, received the following error: "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver]TCP/IP error, connection reset by peer."

- when trying to access the data in the database, received the following error: "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][DataDirect][ODBC FileMaker driver][FileMaker]Parse Error in SQL" while the SQL commands should be correct enough

- the following operations failed:

-- Row count "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket][DataDirect][ODBC FileMaker driver][FileMaker]Parse Error in SQL"

-- Primary keys "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket]"

-- Indexes "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver]Internal network error, connection closed."

-- Table priviliges "[DataDirect][sequeLink JDBC Driver]Internal network error, connection closed."

JDBC testing was done with DbVisualizer 4.1.1, which is a popular database connecter and viewer using JDBC.

heh... now i really don't know how to develop a ODBC/JDBC based applications for FileMaker... frown.gif

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The foreign character and spaces are not FM's or DataDirect's fault of course: when you want to do ODBC stuff you have to follow the SQL syntax standards. And that means nothing but a to z, A to W and the underscore (_) in file, table and field names. Anything else can and will be interpreted as something you don't want it to. The same rules apply if you develop in Access.

The connection errors: not sure what's up with that...



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