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Babelfish al salvataggio!

Babelfish to the rescue!

If a list values is defined like "generated from field1" and field1 it comes modified, all'uscita from field1 the such modification does not modernize to the list values automatically, that is the new value of field1 is not made available immediately all'interno of the list. E' first necessary one to cliccare in the format card... This "bug??" it is present is in version 6 that in the 7 That of thoughts? It will be the case to report it "Filemaker to the Inc."

I think i understand your problem:

When you put a value into field1, it is not instantly added to the value list.

Quando avete messo un valore in campo1, esso immediatamente non siete aggiunti alla lista di valore.


ok, this is the correct translation:

If a value list is defined as "values from field1" and field 1 gets modified, this modification isn't automatically taken into account, when You exit from field1. You'd need to click into the screen to get the modification accounted into the value list.

Is it bug ?

Wouldn't it be time to report this to FileMaker Inc.

What do you think ?

Many thanks for your help to QuinTech and Ugo Di Luca

Now I attach a file (but it is in Italian) with the Bug explained

You can see 3 fields, field1 field2 and field3

Field1 has an attached list of "a" and "b"

I wanted that fied2 comes with "" if fied1 = "a", and comes with b1,b2,b3 in a list if field1 = "b", so I attached a second list with values coming from a calculated field... the "bug??" is that the second list not refresh !! (it only refresh when You click inside the form mad.gif)



Ciao, QuinTech and thank You very much !!

You said:

The real "problem" is that, until you have clicked out of all fields, you have not committed the data in campo1. Thus, if you tab or click straight from campo1 to campo2, Filemaker does not have time to realize that the contents of campo1 have changed, and thus produces a value list based on the old value of campo1.

But the calculated field changes instantly after cursor exit field1 !!!

You also said:

The key to determining if this is a bug or not is whether or not Filemaker is going to fix it, and i can guarantee they are not going to.

But, pheraps, they don't Know this nuisance !! crazy.gif


But, pheraps, they don't Know this nuisance !!

I think they might, since they corrected it in version 7. smile.gif

By the way, how was that Italian? I'm always curious how easy it is to understand results one gets from Babelfish. I didn't have that much difficulty understanding the translation of Ray's original post, but it was a little unclear.


If You convert my attachment into FM7 format, you can verify that the nuisance is there too !!

and, yes, the translation from English isn't good as it is the traslation from Italian !

But thanks


That is strange, because i actually tested it before i made that statement, and it worked out in my example (see the attachment). But you are right as far as your file goes, it behaves the same as it did in version 6. I wonder if maybe you have designed yours differently? Or maybe it is a conversion issue? Ugo?

I'll skip the Italian from now on, as it seems your English is much better than Babelfish's Italian. smile.gif And certainly better than my Italian (blasted American educational system).




I'll test your attachment at home... here in Italy is now 20:00

Thanks for my English ... but was fine to speak together in both languages.

Hi Jerry


Hi, Ray. In the file you sent, what do you expect to show in the second value list? If your value list contains nothing, then it won't display. I am curious as to why you want to display an empty value list and what you think it should do upon user input.



Hi, Jerry

You said:

In the file you sent, what do you expect to show in the second value list? If your value list contains nothing, then it won't display.

yes, I espected a blank but it mantein the last choise (and this item isn't in the value list)

You also said:

I am curious as to why you want to display an empty value list and what you think it should do upon user input.

the problem is: we want that the user has two choses in the first fied: "a" or "b"... than a second field will show "b1,b2,b3" only if the choise was "b", but blank if the choise was "a"

The problem is not what I want to do, because there are so many alternatives !

The problem is to fix the nuisance (as you named what I think was a bug)!

What do you expect if a calculated field looks like this?:



Make fieldB an auto-enter calculation of

Evaluate( "Case( not Position( ValueListItems( Get(FileName); "vl1" ); fieldB; 0; 1 ); ""; fieldB )"; field1 )

and deselect 'Do not replace existing value for field'.

If the value of fieldB is not in the limited value list, it will be nullified; otherwise, the value will remain the same.


JT: I think Ray is using V6, thus can't use Evaluate.

Ray: I'm sorry, i'm just not getting it.

a second field will show "b1,b2,b3" only if the choise was "b", but blank if the choise was "a"

But isn't this exactly what the posted example does?



Hmm. The attachment he posted last was in 7. crazy.gif

His issue is that when you select 'a' for the first field, the second field doesn't clear itself--it still shows whatever 'b' selection may have been made. The Evaluate auto-enter calc resolves this. If it's for version 6, you'll need a mod time field, a serial trigger calc, relationship between the trigger and the serial, a lookup, yadda yadda....technique.


perfetto !!

this is what i said in bad english...

His issue is that when you select 'a' for the first field, the second field doesn't clear itself--it still shows whatever 'b' selection may have been made.

Purtroppo devo esprimermi in Italiano:

( I'm sorry, but it's better if I write in Italian)

Il problema si pu


Oh! So the issue is with the contents of the field, then, and NOT the value list? I think i see.

Ray, if you're using version 7, can you update your profile? That will help people who, like me, have the memory of a pigeon. smile.gif


Hi, Jerry

I own 7...but I'am using still FM6 and, for me, the problem is only in the value list originated from a field in both version.


Here's the workaround for version 6. I've changed the selections from lists to menus so that you can make the first field a button (on Windows), exit the record after a selection is made so that the lookup is triggered, and have the script decide whether or not to move to the second field, which shouldn't happen if there is no subselection available. I've also removed both fields from the tab order to produce a cleaner interface.



thanks, queue

your workaround works the same i attached to my second post !! smile.gif

But, if in FM6 and in FM7 there is a necessity of a workaround, my brain still says that this is a "bug" of Filamaker !! frown.gif


I'm not sure I would classify it as a bug, but it is an annoyance. I can see the need for some sort of flag in a conditional value list field to 'nullify when primary selection is modified' though.

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