chlowden Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 I have written a script that I use via a portal to find emails in a text box and then erase them. What I'd like is rather than erase them, is to find them and add "BAD" to the text box, keeping the email address in tact. Any idea?
Lee Smith Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Try Insert Calculated Result [EmailField; EmailField & "Bad" ]
chlowden Posted July 1, 2005 Author Posted July 1, 2005 Hello Lee Thanks for the quick reply. I can't make it work and i am not sure if understand how the script works for adding text to the field.
Lee Smith Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Here is what I had in mind. See attachment.
chlowden Posted July 4, 2005 Author Posted July 4, 2005 Errr... I am rubbish. I have added your page to my db. I have connected it to the right fields but I firstly cannot make it so that from "[email protected]", the field becomes "BAD [email protected]". Sadly, I can't seem to get to work. Secondly, I am wondering if there is not some parasite invisible text that means that the find does not work properly. There is a cleaning script to get rid of these parasites. Lastly, I attach a script that seems to find a list of emails as a list. The following action would be to add BAD to the existing email, without deleting the address. Thanks in advance Christopher
chlowden Posted July 6, 2005 Author Posted July 6, 2005 I have retried your script Insert Calculated Result [EmailField; EmailField & "Bad" ] but in "specify calculation" window it will not accept EmailField & "Bad" as a valid calculation Any other ideas??
Lee Smith Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 The file you posted only has one field called "Find EMAILS". The only two scripts in the file are having something to do with a related file (Not enclosed). The Insert Insert Calculated Result you posted is using a Field that doesn't exist. I think of a Email field as having only 1 Email address. The "Find EMAILS" Field in your file has a list of several emails in it. The Insert Calculated Result as I wrote to have only added the word "Bad" to the last one. BTW, I used "EmailField" as a generic field, and you would need to change it to the name in the calculation to "Find EMAILS", if that is the field you are working with. However, it will not work the way you want it to in the example file you sent. Lee
chlowden Posted July 6, 2005 Author Posted July 6, 2005 Oh boy, I got your script addition to work ... but ... it adds BAD to the address in the FIND EMAIL box, not into my MASTER DB. The script still continues to find the addresses listed in the FIND EMAIL box nd list them as a sort. Is there is a way of getting the BAD to inscribe in the master doc & also to have at infront of the address rather than behind?? I attach the FIND EMAIL doc with your script in it and also a library. Sadly, you will have to reconnect them as I use this script over a server.
chlowden Posted July 6, 2005 Author Posted July 6, 2005 woops again, my ingratitue made me forget to say thanks for the work so far
Lee Smith Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 I hate to guess, but it appears that FIND EMAIL.fp7 is used to collect a list of "Bad" emails somehow? I don't have a lot of time for working on this today, I have a full day planned. However, to get me thinking in the right way, why not explain your process here. Once I (We) understand the purpose of the two files, maybe we can fix this for you. so, tells what you are doing to discover the "Bad" emails, where they are now and what you want to do with them. An example would be: I gather email address from a web site. I send responses to them, and some are determined to be invalid. I get a list of them, and I want to mark the in Contact as a Bad or Invalid Address. Etc. HTH Lee
chlowden Posted July 6, 2005 Author Posted July 6, 2005 Oh yes. The whole process. I have a very complete listing of companies that I use, amongst other things, to send emails from. As time goes by, people leave companies etc, in short, email addresses become in valid. When I send out a newsletter, I often get alot of badly directed email. From Eudora I extract the addresses that no longer function and from that list I wish to update the db so that I know that the email I have is BAD (hence why I wish to add BAD to the email). This gives me the opportunity to follow the careers of people as I can check their email addresses. By pasting a list of emails into the FIND BAD EMAILS text box, I activate a very simple script i concocted that (usually but not always - & i don't why) finds, via a portal, the listed bad emails in the COMMERCIALS PRODS CONTACTS and sorts only them. From there I have to manually add the BAD to the front of each entry. (if you type bad in the find of COMMERCIALS PRODS CONTACTS, you will see what I mean).
Lee Smith Posted July 6, 2005 Posted July 6, 2005 I modified your files to include a relationship in Email Find, but you don't need it, as v7 confused me of where I need it. I imported the data that was in your field in an earlier version of Email Find from a Text File, also enclosed, which created a record for each email. In you Contact file, I created a new layout to test what I was doing, with a couple of new fields and your Email Field on it. I Created a Relationship to the Email Find. The Related data was doing what I wanted, so I placed the flag field on your First Layout. Maybe this will do what you want. You can always do a search on the new layout for 1, and it will return only the bad emails. Let me know if it works for you or not. Lee
chlowden Posted July 7, 2005 Author Posted July 7, 2005 Lee Sadly, the .zip seems to have been corrupted as I cannot open it. Can you upload it again please?
chlowden Posted July 7, 2005 Author Posted July 7, 2005 Thank you very much for having sent the file. I must confess that I am a little bewildered. I find the red box idea great but I do not quite know how to use it. Firstly I was hoping to be able add text as there were other words I would use in different scripts. Secondly, I can't work out how to use the find function with the read boxes. I feel very bad that you are all this and I understand if you have had enough. I honestly thought my request would straight forward.
LaRetta Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 Fire this script from your Find Emails layout, pmworld: Go To Related Record [ Show Only Related ; PMWORLD COMMERCIALS CONTACTS (using layout based upon PMWORLD COMMERCIAL CONTACTS) ] Go To Record/Request/Page [ First ] Loop Set Field [ PMWORLD COMMERCIALS CONTACTS::Email ; "(BAD) " & PMWORLD COMMERCIALS CONTACTS::Email ] Go To Record/Request/Page [ Exit after Last ; Next ] End Loop See how you go with that. Update: Oh. You want to add different words than Bad? No prob. Create a global text field called gAppend. Place it on your Find Emails layout. Insert the text into it. Then change your Set Field [] step to: Set Field [ PMWORLD COMMERCIALS CONTACTS::Email ; gAppend & " " & PMWORLD COMMERCIALS CONTACTS::Email ] LaRetta
Lee Smith Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 Hi pmworld, I was out of town all day and just got back. In the mean time, I see others have jumped. I have no idea what LaRetta is suggesting, and I'm too tired to read through it now. In the mean time, I'll just restate about the files, take a look at the Text file. It is a just a list of the Bad Emails. I envision that you could create this from your email program, and just import these into your Email find file. Once imported, the flag for these bad email address will automatically update your contact file to show the Flag. You can use the calculation on the new layout I made to search for 1, and that would return these Flag addresses. What could be simpler than that? Lee
LaRetta Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 "What could be simpler than that? " Hi Lee, sorry if you felt I was stepping in on your territory. My purpose is to assist the postee and I will do exactly that every chance I get (if I feel I have another option worthy of mentioning). The simple script I presented (using GTRR) is: 1) Faster than a Find (particularly on an unstored calculation) 2) Doesn't require wasting resources adding three new fields (two unstored calculations) 3) Allows him to change the Append text dynamically (as he requested) and 4) Fits into his existing process with no change whatsoever. He doesn't need to turn those bad emails into separate records at all. A multiline text field (as he currently has it) matches just as well. I see nothing wrong in presenting alternate options to people who post. It is done on these forums all the time. The Postee can then pick and choose what fits best for them. Personally, I'm glad several people respond with different methods ... it helps us all learn better ways. LaRetta
chlowden Posted July 8, 2005 Author Posted July 8, 2005 Thank you to you both for your time. I do not want this to become an issue. Dear Lee I have tried to understand the mechanism but, I cannot find the mechanism that connects your page to the txt file. I find your proposal very elegant and it has given me ideas for being able to flag entries visually. For the moment , I seem to get mitigated results as when I open your files, the red flag never appear on all the mails listed. It maybe that I have not been able to connect them correctly on my machine. As your proposal has potential for many entries I would like to understand.
chlowden Posted July 8, 2005 Author Posted July 8, 2005 Thank you to you both for your time. I do not want this to become an issue. LeRetta Thank you for your time. I must confess that what you have written is closer to my rather simple interpretation of my needs. I have managed to make the script work but on only one email at time. With a list, it will sometimes show up all the records with the first record ammended and other I only get the first mail. I presume that this is not quite right. Thanks Christopher
LaRetta Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 Hi Christopher, If you could attach your file I'm sure I could spot it quickly - or I'd be happy to give you a copy of your file back with the script intact and functioning. And nah, Lee and I go way back ... and we both know the other's intentions are always good. LaRetta
Lee Smith Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 "What could be simpler than that? " Hi Lee, sorry if you felt I was stepping in on your territory. My purpose is to assist the postee and I will do exactly that every chance I get (if I feel I have another option worthy of mentioning). The remark was meant for Christopher, that was why it followed my explanation, or attempt anyway, of how the changes I had made to his files might fit his needs. I was NOT implying you were stepping on my toes, only that I was too tired to analyze what you had suggested. I read your post now, and I still feel that what I suggested would work best, however Christopher isn't following on the process very well, and it sound like he will use your script. Lee
Lee Smith Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 Hi Christopher, How are these Emails sent out now, i.e. directly from COMMERCIALS PRODS CONTACTS.fp7, Outlook Express, ... ? Lee
chlowden Posted July 8, 2005 Author Posted July 8, 2005 I export them to an app called maildrop or Eudora.
Lee Smith Posted July 8, 2005 Posted July 8, 2005 Do you produce an export, or something from Eudora showing the BAD Emails? Lee
chlowden Posted July 11, 2005 Author Posted July 11, 2005 I use Mailjuicer, a tiny but extremely efficent app that rips out email addresses from emails. The subsequent list is copied and from this list I wish to add BAD. Highly recommended app and free. (Probably an easy ecript to write for you pros.)
chlowden Posted July 11, 2005 Author Posted July 11, 2005 Laretta, I tried out what I considered to be brainwave. I figured that by incorportating your script directly into the db, it would make things more efficient. It was a part success. It managed to add BAD to all the emails when I only had listed one. I supply a version of the db prior to the script being activated. It is all rather virulent really. Luck I kept a back up. File attached
LaRetta Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 It might have made things more efficient but your structure and relationships are nothing like the demo you presented called FindEmails!! I'm not surprised you had problems with it. The relationships aren't even the same. And the script I gave you was based upon a specific RELATIONSHIP since it used a GTRR. The script was based upon FindEmails::BadEmails multiline being directly attached to COMMERCIALS::Emails. The Go To Related[] would then isolate the proper records for update. You now have your BAD EMAILS layout based upon your main (COMMERCIALS) and the join is a multikey. You can STILL use the script but you must adhere to the principle outlined even though you will be using a self-join. I created a NEW relationship (using a self-join) and based your bad emails layout on THAT relationship. I have reattached your file. Pay particular attention to the table occurrence Bad Emails layout is based upon. Look in your graph at how they are joined. This will work much better for you. LaRetta
LaRetta Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 Another thing I just noticed but don't have time to correct ... I need to take off. Change your badEmails field to GLOBAL text as well.
chlowden Posted July 11, 2005 Author Posted July 11, 2005 I must confess that I am lost. What is a GTRR? What is "self-join"? What is "join is a multikey"? Sorry I am a real neophyte. Is the old system better and above all safer? I am happy to go back to the old system but I got unreliable results so I figured it might more efficient to incorporate the script internally.
LaRetta Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 GTRR is Go To Related Record[]. It is the script-step which looks at the relationship between your BadEmails field and your emails. They (each multiline email listed in BadEmails) relates 1-to-1 to your COMMERCIALS emails. When you evoke the GTRR script-step, only matching emails to bad emails are isolated into a found set. Only this found set is updated further by the script. You need to look at the graph. Envision how they relate. Your badEmails layout must be based upon this new BadEmails relationship (look in Layout setup). There is nothing wrong with your setup now. Change badEmails to global as indicated and you are ready to go with it.
Lee Smith Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 Hi Christopher, I'm attaching an update to the files. I just noticed that I had not made the container field a Global, and therefore the flag was NOT showing on all of the BAD Emails, even though the calculation were there. Sorry if this cause you some confusion. Lee
cognitdiss Posted July 11, 2005 Posted July 11, 2005 Hi Lee, I wanted to view your script but it seems to be a .fp7, which my version of filemaker (6) can't open. Do you think you could repost the script or the file in a lower version, I would be so grateful, as my application is so similar to the original poster as I want to append text to the contents of an existing "notes" field, rather than replace the entire contents.... TIA!! - - Dave
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