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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×



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I don't know if this belongs in this forum or not. I have a privilege set that is mostly read only. I do have a navigational field that is a checkbox, which determines which records will be viewed in a portal, therefore must be accessible. In the privilege set under records, I have put in under edit records can be edited when "options relate", I have tried different combos of case statements and using different relationships and nothing is working. the confusing part is that when I try to click on one of the checkboxes, it says "this action cannot be performed because this field is not modifiable." not "your access privileges do not allow you to perform this action". When I log in as me, I have no problem doing it. Could they be talking about a different field? Is it the relationship? I am going crazy can someone help?


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Not sure what "options relate" refers to. If you want to allow access to one field but not others, you can use the privilege set, but also the validation on the fields themselves. You can put a calculation in the field validation that will return False is a certain condition is met (a flag field set, user name doesn't match the record creator, ...)

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This topic is 7035 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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