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Posted (edited)

Ok here is somethign i wanted to do, the old way and the way my work will import information as how ads run in their books. is formated like this


1 meaning year

27 meaning volume

48 meaning issue

a meaning automotive

then the fun part

02 02 would mean that there was 2 full page ads in a certain edition

03 03 03 03 would mean 4 full page ads in a certain edition

06 06 06 06 would mean 4 full page ads in a certain edition

well here is what i want to do. say 03 represented monmouth edition id like it that when this moves over to the invoice part. that it tells the customer what they are actually paying for like it would see this and say

for year 12 week 48 in auto you ran 10 ads 2 in ocean 4 in monmouth and 4 in bergain or something to that idea.

any ideas how i can accomplish this, now here is a twist there are 48 different 2 digit codes starting from 01 - 48

can someone point me in a general direction.

Edited by Guest

Its hard to give an answer to a question like this since once answers are provided the Original Poster usually brings up more rules. Like:

- the "a" part that designates automotive may be 1 to 3 characters long and contain numbers

- or... the volume may be a 1 character entry or it could be 2.


Below is a calculation field (when set to return text) may get you started in the right direction.


Alpha = Left(Filter(MyText;"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");1);

Alpha_Position = Position(MyText;Alpha;1;1);

Issue = Middle(MyText;Alpha_Position - 2;2);

Volume = Middle(MyText; Alpha_Position - 4; 2);

Year = Middle(MyText;1;Alpha_Position - 5)


"Alpha = " & Alpha & ¶ &

"Alpha_Position = " & Alpha_Position & ¶ &

"Issue = " & Issue & ¶ &

"Volume = " & Volume & ¶ &

"Year = " & Year


Posted (edited)

Yeah my comclusion i think is way off base

Substitute ( ref2_1 ; ["1";" Volume1"]; ["27"; "Year 27"]; ["48"; "Issue48"];["01"; "North Ocean"]; ["02"; "North Monmouth"]; ["03"; "North Middlesex"]; ["04"; "BUrlington"]; ["05"; "MW Jersey"]; ["06"; "Union"]; ["07"; "Camden"]; ["08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"]; ["09"; "Atlantic"]; ["10"; "N.E. Philly"]; ["11"; "Hudson"]; ["12"; "Lower Bucks"]; ["13"; "Northeast NJ"]; ["14"; "N.W. Jersey"]; ["15"; "Dela/Maryland"]; ["16"; "Rockland"]; ["17"; "North NJ"]; ["18"; "Delaware"]; ["19"; "Essex"]; ["20"; "Montgomery"]; ["21"; "Saten Island"]; ["22"; "York Harrisburg"]; ["24"; "S.C. Philly"]; ["25"; "Chester/Mainline"]; ["26"; "South Middlesex"]; ["27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"]; ["28"; "S.W. Jersey"]; ["29"; "S. Ocean"]; ["30"; "S. Monmouth"]; ["31"; "Central Philly"]; ["32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"]; ["33"; "Orange/Dutches"]; ["35"; "South Connecticut"]; ["36"; "North Connecticut"]; ["93"; "Englishtown"]; ["94"; "Atlantic City"]; ["46"; "Boat Shopper"]; ["51"; "South Truck"]; ["52"; "North Truck"]; ["53"; "NY Truck"]; ["54"; "PA Truck"]; ["63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"]; ["76"; "Bargain Shopper"]; ["81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"]; ["82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"]; ["83"; "Internet-Hosting"]; ["84"; "Internet-Web Desing"]; ["85"; "Internet-Site Fee"]; ["86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner"]; ["a"; "Auto"] )

causeing this to be displayed

Volume1Year ABE/Poconos/BerksIssue48aSomerset/Hunterdon VolumeN.W. Jersey

for this string 12748a0814

what it should have ansered was this

volume1 year 27 issue 48 auto Somerset/Hunterdon N.W. Jersey

1= volume 1/ 27 = year 27/ 48 = issue 48/a=auto/08=Somerset/Hunterdon/14=N.W. Jersey

it is always formated the same way, the difference might be something like this 12850q85

which would be volume1 year 28 issue 50 internet site fee

q= internet and 85 = site fee

other then that the only other one wo0uld be a

a= auto





Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

In your original post you say:


1 meaning year

27 meaning volume

48 meaning issue

In the next post you say:


1= volume 1

27 = year 27

48 = issue 48

Is the first number Year or Volume?

Also, how would the Year 15 and Volume 7 be represented? How would year 3 Volume 7 be represented? I assume Issue is always 2 characters long as you stated... 01,02,03 through 48.

I don't know if you see where I am going with this but consider this....

12748a = Both of the following?

Volume 1, year 27, issue 48

Volume 12, year 7, issue 48

Edited by Guest

sorry about that yeah the 1st number is volume, the next 2 are year the next 2 are issue. after that is the a,t,b,h, or q and then the actual counties that it is running in. there is only 1 volume in each year so the 1 is constant the the year chanes with every 52 weeks. so the issue can be any number from 1 - 52.


sorry about that yeah the 1st number is volume, the next 2 are year the next 2 are issue. after that is the a,t,b,h, or q and then the actual counties that it is running in. there is only 1 volume in each year so the 1 is constant the the year chanes with every 52 weeks. so the issue can be any number from 1 - 52.

Ok, just to be absolutely sure here:

Volume 1, year 1, issue 1, automotive

would = 10101a

Volume 1, year 12, issue 1, automotive

would = 11201a

If so....


Year = Middle(MyText;2;2);

Issue = Middle(MyText;4;2);

Alpha = Middle(MyText;6;1);

Category = Case(Alpha = "a"; "Automotive"; Alpha = "b"; "Boat"; Alpha = "h"; "Home"; Alpha = "q"; "Internet"; Alpha = "t"; "Truck"; "NOT A VALID CATEGORY");

TextToDisplay = "for year " & Year & " week " & Issue & " in " & Category




Posted (edited)

you my friend are a god sent and i am on my way to glory....lol

As you can see i made a few minor adjustments already to your code.

I added an editions section to it. now I have one more question for you if i tell it that after spot 6 the "a" is editions and i tell it that 03 is north middlesex and 43 is orange when it it sees 0343 the 34 in the middle of that would then be seen as a county that it didn;t run in wouldn;t it?


Volume = Middle(date test::ref2_1;1;1);

Year = Middle(date test::ref2_1;2;2);

Issue = Middle(date test::ref2_1;4;2);

Alpha = Middle(date test::ref2_1;6;1);

Alpha2= Middle(date test::ref2_1;7;51);

Category = Case(Alpha = "a"; "Automotive"; Alpha = "b"; "Boat"; Alpha = "h"; "Home"; Alpha = "q"; "Internet"; Alpha = "t"; "Truck"; "NOT A VALID CATEGORY");

Edition = Case(Alpha2 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha2 = "31"; "Central PA");

TextToDisplay = "Volume" & Volume & " for year " & Year & " week " & Issue & " in " & Category & " Edition" & Edition




or do i change this Alpha2= Middle(date test::ref2_1;7;51);

to like Alpha2= Middle(date test::ref2_1;7;2);

Alpha3= Middle(date test::ref2_1;9;2);

Alpha4= Middle(date test::ref2_1;11;2);

Alpha5= Middle(date test::ref2_1;13;2);

Edition2 = Case(Alpha3 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha3 = "31"; "Central PA");

Edition3 = Case(Alpha4 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha4 = "31"; "Central PA");

Edition4 = Case(Alpha5 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha5 = "31"; "Central PA");

and so on for the 86 different counties that they could possibly run in ?

Edited by Guest

Ok, this looks much better then what my plan was with following along in the other manner....it ended up being 37,000 characters long and i couldn;t copy and paste it in there,,


Volume = Middle(date test::ref2_1;1;1);

Year = Middle(date test::ref2_1;2;2);

Issue = Middle(date test::ref2_1;4;2);

Alpha = Middle(date test::ref2_1;6;1);

Alpha2= Middle(date test::ref2_1;7;2);

Alpha3= Middle(date test::ref2_1;9;2);

Alpha4= Middle(date test::ref2_1;11;2);

Alpha5= Middle(date test::ref2_1;13;2);

Alpha6= Middle(date test::ref2_1;15;2);

Alpha7= Middle(date test::ref2_1;17;2);

Alpha8= Middle(date test::ref2_1;19;2);

Alpha9= Middle(date test::ref2_1;21;2);

Alpha10= Middle(date test::ref2_1;23;2);

Alpha11= Middle(date test::ref2_1;25;2);

Alpha12= Middle(date test::ref2_1;27;2);

Alpha13= Middle(date test::ref2_1;29;2);

Alpha14= Middle(date test::ref2_1;31;2);

Alpha15= Middle(date test::ref2_1;33;2);

Alpha16= Middle(date test::ref2_1;35;2);

Alpha17= Middle(date test::ref2_1;37;2);

Alpha18= Middle(date test::ref2_1;39;2);

Alpha19= Middle(date test::ref2_1;41;2);

Alpha20= Middle(date test::ref2_1;43;2);

Alpha21= Middle(date test::ref2_1;45;2);

Alpha22= Middle(date test::ref2_1;47;2);

Alpha23= Middle(date test::ref2_1;49;2);

Category = Case(Alpha = "a"; "Automotive"; Alpha = "b"; "Boat"; Alpha = "h"; "Home"; Alpha = "q"; "Internet"; Alpha = "t"; "Truck"; "NOT A VALID CATEGORY");

Edition = Case(Alpha2 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha2 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha2 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha2 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha2 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha2 = "06"; 

"Union"; Alpha2 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha2 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha2 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha2 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha2 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha2 = "12"; "Lower Bucks"; 

Alpha2 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha2 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha2 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha2 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha2 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha2 = "18"; "Delaware"; Alpha2 = 

"19"; "Essex"; Alpha2 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha2 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha2 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha2 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha2 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; Alpha2 = "26"; 

"South Middlesex"; Alpha2 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha2 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha2 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha2 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha2 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha2 = 

"32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha2 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha2 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha2 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha2 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha2 = 

"94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha2 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha2 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha2 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha2 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha2 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha2 = "63"; 

"Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha2 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha2 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha2 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha2 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; 

Alpha2 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha2 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha2 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition2 = Case(Alpha3 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha3 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha3 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha3 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha3 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha3 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha3 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha3 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha3 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha3 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha3 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha3 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha3 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha3 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha3 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha3 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha3 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha3 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha3 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha3 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha3 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha3 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha3 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha3 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha3 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha3 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha3 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha3 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha3 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha3 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha3 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha3 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha3 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha3 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha3 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha3 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha3 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha3 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha3 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha3 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha3 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha3 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha3 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha3 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha3 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha3 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha3 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha3 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha3 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition3 = Case(Alpha4 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha4 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha4 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha4 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha4 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha4 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha4 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha4 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha4 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha4 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha4 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha4 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha4 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha4 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha4 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha4 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha4 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha4 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha4 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha4 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha4 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha4 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha4 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha4 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha4 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha4 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha4 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha4 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha4 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha4 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha4 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha4 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha4 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha4 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha4 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha4 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha4 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha4 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha4 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha4 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha4 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha4 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha4 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha4 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha4 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha4 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha4 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha4 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha4 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition4 = Case(Alpha5 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha5 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha5 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha5 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha5 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha5 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha5 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha5 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha5 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha5 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha5 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha5 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha5 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha5 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha5 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha5 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha5 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha5 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha5 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha5 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha5 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha5 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha5 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha5 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha5 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha5 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha5 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha5 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha5 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha5 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha5 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha5 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha5 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha5 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha5 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha5 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha5 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha5 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha5 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha5 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha5 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha5 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha5 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha5 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha5 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha5 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha5 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha5 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha5 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition5 = Case(Alpha6 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha6 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha6 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha6 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha6 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha6 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha6 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha6 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha6 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha6 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha6 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha6 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha6 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha6 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha6 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha6 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha6 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha6 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha6 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha6 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha6 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha6 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha6 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha6 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha6 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha6 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha6 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha6 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha6 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha6 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha6 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha6 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha6 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha6 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha6 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha6 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha6 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha6 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha6 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha6 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha6 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha6 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha6 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha6 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha6 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha6 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha6 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha6 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha6 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition6 = Case(Alpha7 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha7 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha7 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha7 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha7 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha7 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha7 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha7 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha7 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha7 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha7 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha7 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha7 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha7 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha7 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha7 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha7 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha7 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha7 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha7 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha7 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha7 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha7 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha7 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha7 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha7 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha7 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha7 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha7 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha7 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha7 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha7 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha7 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha7 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha7 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha7 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha7 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha7 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha7 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha7 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha7 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha7 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha7 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha7 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha7 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha7 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha7 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha7 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha7 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition7 = Case(Alpha8 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha8 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha8 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha8 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha8 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha8 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha8 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha8 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha8 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha8 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha8 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha8 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha8 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha8 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha8 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha8 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha8 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha8 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha8 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha8 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha8 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha8 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha8 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha8 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha8 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha8 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha8 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha8 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha8 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha8 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha8 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha8 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha8 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha8 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha8 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha8 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha8 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha8 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha8 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha8 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha8 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha8 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha8 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha8 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha8 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha8 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha8 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha8 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha8 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition8 = Case(Alpha9 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha9 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha9 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha9 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha9 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; Alpha9 = 

"06"; "Union"; Alpha9 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha9 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha9 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha9 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha9 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha9 = "12"; "Lower 

Bucks"; Alpha9 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha9 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha9 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha9 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha9 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha9 = "18"; "Delaware"; 

Alpha9 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha9 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha9 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha9 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha9 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha9 = "25"; "Chester/Mainline"; 

Alpha9 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha9 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha9 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha9 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha9 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; Alpha9 = "31"; "Central 

Philly"; Alpha9 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha9 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha9 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha9 = "36"; "North Connecticut"; Alpha9 = "93"; 

"Englishtown"; Alpha9 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha9 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha9 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha9 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha9 = "53"; "NY Truck"; Alpha9 = "54"; "PA 

Truck"; Alpha9 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha9 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha9 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha9 = "82"; "Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha9 = 

"83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha9 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha9 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha9 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition9 = Case(Alpha10 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha10 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha10 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha10 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha10 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha10 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha10 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha10 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha10 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha10 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha10 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha10 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha10 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha10 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha10 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha10 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha10 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha10 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha10 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha10 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha10 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha10 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha10 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha10 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha10 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha10 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha10 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha10 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha10 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha10 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha10 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha10 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha10 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha10 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha10 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha10 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha10 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha10 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha10 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha10 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha10 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha10 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha10 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha10 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha10 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha10 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha10 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha10 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha10 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition10 = Case(Alpha11 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha11 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha11 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha11 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha11 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha11 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha11 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha11 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha11 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha11 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha11 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha11 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha11 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha11 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha11 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha11 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha11 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha11 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha11 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha11 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha11 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha11 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha11 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha11 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha11 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha11 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha11 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha11 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha11 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha11 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha11 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha11 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha11 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha11 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha11 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha11 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha11 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha11 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha11 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha11 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha11 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha11 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha11 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha11 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha11 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha11 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha11 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha11 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha11 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition11 = Case(Alpha12 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha12 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha12 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha12 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha12 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha12 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha12 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha12 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha12 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha12 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha12 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha12 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha12 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha12 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha12 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha12 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha12 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha12 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha12 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha12 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha12 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha12 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha12 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha12 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha12 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha12 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha12 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha12 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha12 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha12 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha12 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha12 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha12 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha12 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha12 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha12 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha12 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha12 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha12 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha12 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha12 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha12 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha12 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha12 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha12 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha12 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha12 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha12 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha12 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition12 = Case(Alpha13 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha13 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha13 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha13 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha13 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha13 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha13 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha13 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha13 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha13 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha13 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha13 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha13 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha13 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha13 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha13 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha13 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha13 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha13 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha13 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha13 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha13 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha13 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha13 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha13 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha13 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha13 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha13 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha13 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha13 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha13 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha13 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha13 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha13 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha13 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha13 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha13 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha13 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha13 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha13 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha13 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha13 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha13 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha13 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha13 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha13 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha13 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha13 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha13 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition13 = Case(Alpha14 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha14 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha14 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha14 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha14 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha14 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha14 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha14 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha14 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha14 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha14 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha14 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha14 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha14 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha14 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha14 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha14 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha14 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha14 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha14 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha14 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha14 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha14 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha14 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha14 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha14 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha14 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha14 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha14 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha14 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha14 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha14 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha14 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha14 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha14 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha14 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha14 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha14 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha14 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha14 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha14 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha14 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha14 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha14 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha14 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha14 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha14 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha14 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha14 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition14 = Case(Alpha15 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha15 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha15 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha15 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha15 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha15 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha15 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha15 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha15 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha15 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha15 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha15 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha15 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha15 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha15 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha15 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha15 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha15 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha15 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha15 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha15 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha15 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha15 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha15 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha15 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha15 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha15 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha15 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha15 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha15 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha15 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha15 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha15 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha15 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha15 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha15 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha15 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha15 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha15 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha15 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha15 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha15 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha15 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha15 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha15 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha15 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha15 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha15 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha15 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition15 = Case(Alpha16 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha16 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha16 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha16 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha16 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha16 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha16 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha16 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha16 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha16 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha16 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha16 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha16 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha16 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha16 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha16 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha16 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha16 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha16 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha16 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha16 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha16 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha16 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha16 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha16 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha16 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha16 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha16 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha16 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha16 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha16 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha16 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha16 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha16 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha16 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha16 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha16 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha16 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha16 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha16 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha16 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha16 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha16 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha16 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha16 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha16 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha16 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha16 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha16 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition16 = Case(Alpha17 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha17 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha17 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha17 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha17 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha17 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha17 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha17 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha17 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha17 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha17 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha17 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha17 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha17 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha17 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha17 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha17 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha17 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha17 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha17 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha17 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha17 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha17 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha17 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha17 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha17 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha17 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha17 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha17 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha17 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha17 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha17 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha17 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha17 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha17 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha17 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha17 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha17 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha17 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha17 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha17 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha17 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha17 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha17 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha17 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha17 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha17 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha17 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha17 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition17 = Case(Alpha18 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha18 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha18 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha18 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha18 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha18 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha18 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha18 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha18 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha18 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha18 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha18 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha18 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha18 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha18 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha18 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha18 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha18 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha18 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha18 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha18 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha18 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha18 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha18 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha18 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha18 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha18 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha18 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha18 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha18 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha18 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha18 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha18 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha18 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha18 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha18 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha18 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha18 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha18 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha18 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha18 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha18 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha18 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha18 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha18 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha18 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha18 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha18 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha18 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition18 = Case(Alpha19 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha19 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha19 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha19 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha19 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha19 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha19 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha19 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha19 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha19 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha19 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha19 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha19 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha19 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha19 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha19 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha19 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha19 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha19 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha19 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha19 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha19 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha19 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha19 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha19 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha19 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha19 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha19 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha19 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha19 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha19 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha19 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha19 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha19 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha19 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha19 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha19 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha19 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha19 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha19 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha19 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha19 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha19 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha19 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha19 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha19 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha19 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha19 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha19 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition19 = Case(Alpha20 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha20 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha20 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha20 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha20 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha20 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha20 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha20 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha20 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha20 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha20 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha20 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha20 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha20 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha20 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha20 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha20 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha20 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha20 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha20 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha20 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha20 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha20 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha20 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha20 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha20 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha20 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha20 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha20 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha20 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha20 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha20 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha20 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha20 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha20 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha20 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha20 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha20 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha20 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha20 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha20 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha20 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha20 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha20 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha20 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha20 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha20 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha20 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha20 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

Edition20 = Case(Alpha21 = "01"; "North Ocean"; Alpha21 = "02"; "North Monmouth"; Alpha21 = "03"; "North Middlesex"; Alpha21 = "04"; "BUrlington"; Alpha21 = "05"; "MW Jersey"; 

Alpha21 = "06"; "Union"; Alpha21 = "07"; "Camden"; Alpha21 = "08"; "Somerset/Hunterdon"; Alpha21 = "09"; "Atlantic"; Alpha21 = "10"; "N.E. Philly"; Alpha21 = "11"; "Hudson"; Alpha21 = 

"12"; "Lower Bucks"; Alpha21 = "13"; "Northeast NJ"; Alpha21 = "14"; "N.W. Jersey"; Alpha21 = "15"; "Dela/Maryland"; Alpha21 = "16"; "Rockland"; Alpha21 = "17"; "North NJ"; Alpha21 = 

"18"; "Delaware"; Alpha21 = "19"; "Essex"; Alpha21 = "20"; "Montgomery"; Alpha21 = "21"; "Saten Island"; Alpha21 = "22"; "York Harrisburg"; Alpha21 = "24"; "S.C. Philly"; Alpha21 = "25"; 

"Chester/Mainline"; Alpha21 = "26"; "South Middlesex"; Alpha21 = "27"; "ABE/Poconos/Berks"; Alpha21 = "28"; "S.W. Jersey"; Alpha21 = "29"; "S. Ocean"; Alpha21 = "30"; "S. Monmouth"; 

Alpha21 = "31"; "Central Philly"; Alpha21 = "32"; "Metro NY/Westchester/Punum"; Alpha21 = "33"; "Orange/Dutches"; Alpha21 = "35"; "South Connecticut"; Alpha21 = "36"; "North 

Connecticut"; Alpha21 = "93"; "Englishtown"; Alpha21 = "94"; "Atlantic City"; Alpha21 = "46"; "Boat Shopper"; Alpha21 = "51"; "South Truck"; Alpha21 = "52"; "North Truck"; Alpha21 = "53"; 

"NY Truck"; Alpha21 = "54"; "PA Truck"; Alpha21 = "63"; "Ocean/Monmouth Homes"; Alpha21 = "76"; "Bargain Shopper"; Alpha21 = "81"; "Internet-Stickers Non Service"; Alpha21 = "82"; 

"Internet-Stickers Service"; Alpha21 = "83"; "Internet-Hosting"; Alpha21 = "84"; "Internet-Web Desing"; Alpha21 = "85"; "Internet-Site Fee"; Alpha21 = "86"; "Internet-Advertising/Banner");

TextToDisplay = "Volume" & Volume & " for year" & Year & " week " & Issue & " in " & Category & "    Edition   " & Edition & "// " & Edition2 & "// " & Edition3 & "// " & Edition4 & "// " & Edition5 

& "// " & Edition6 & "// " & Edition7 & "// " & Edition8 & "// " & Edition9 & "// " & Edition10 & "// " & Edition11 & "// " & Edition12 & "// " & Edition13 & "// " & Edition14 & "// " & Edition15 & "// " & 

Edition16 & "// " & Edition17 & "// " & Edition18 & "// " & Edition19 & "// " & Edition20 & "// " & Edition21




I mean it works in theary,,,, just not good code i suppose...lol

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