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I was hoping someone could tell me how to include a cc email in the following code from FmWebSchool:


$mailto = '[email protected]' ;

$subject = "Feedback Form" ;

$formurl = "http://www.yourwebsite.net/page1.htm" ;

$errorurl = "http://www.yourwebsite.net/emailerror.htm" ;

$thankyouurl = "http://www.yourwebsite.net/emailcomplete.htm" ;

$firstname = $_POST['firstname'] ;

$lastname = $_POST['lastname'] ;

$email = $_POST['email'] ;

$http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" );

if (!isset($_POST['email'])) {

header( "Location: $formurl" );

exit ;


$messagetext =" nn"."firstname=".$firstname

."nlastname=".$lastname."nemail=".$email."nn n" ;

mail($mailto, $subject, $messagetext, "From: "$name"

<$email>nReply-To: "$name"

<$email>nX-Mailer: chfeedback.php 2.01" );

header( "Location: $thankyouurl" );

exit ;


Thanks in advance for your help - Sam



I have the following universal email script, but for some reason the 'Cc' doesn't work.

The headers print out as if the 'Cc' should be working, but no 'Cc' is ever received.

Any thoughts on what might be missing?

function sendEmailWithSockets ($toName, $toEmail, $subject, $message)


global $SMTPServer, $SMTPPort, $emailFromName, $emailFromAddr, $contactEmailAddr;

$connect = fsockopen($SMTPServer, $SMTPPort, $errno, $errstr, 30) or die("$errno: $errstr");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "HELO {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}rn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "MAIL FROM:{$emailFromAddr}rn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "RCPT TO:{$toEmail}rn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "DATArn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "Subject: $subjectrn");

fputs($connect, "From: {$emailFromName} <{$emailFromAddr}>rn");

fputs($connect, "To: {$toName} <{$toEmail}>rn");

fputs($connect, "Cc: Mark Lindal rn");

fputs($connect, "X-Sender: <{$emailFromAddr}>rn");

fputs($connect, "Return-Path: <{$emailFromAddr}>rn");

fputs($connect, "Errors-To: <{$emailFromAddr}>rn");

fputs($connect, "X-Mailer: PHPrn");

fputs($connect, "X-Priority: 3rn");

fputs($connect, "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8rn");

fputs($connect, "rn");

fputs($connect, stripslashes($message)." rn");

fputs($connect, ".rn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs($connect, "RSETrn");

$rcv = fgets($connect, 1024);

fputs ($connect, "QUITrn");

$rcv = fgets ($connect, 1024);





The headers display correctly, but still no CC'd email is received.

When I take the message and do a reply-all, the cc'd address is mysteriously dropped.

I think I read somewhere (php.net) where the windows version was having problems with cc and bcc.

This topic is 6991 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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