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Database Folder Location on FMS8

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I'm running FMS 8 on a server loaded with Windows SBS 2003.

The server is connected to a Network Address Storage tower and this is where i want the FM 8 database files to sit.

Is it possible to change the location that the databases sit in with FMS 8. By default they seem to be located in

C:Program FilesFileMakerFileMaker ServerDataDatabases

and I wondered if there was any way of chaning this?

If not can any think of another way of mapping the data to the storage tower? I don't mind if other data is mapped there too, besides the FM databases.

Nick Lindwall

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Neither your OS nor your proposed deployment method are within the standard recommended procedures. You may wish to rethink both.

Using the SAT Tool you can designate an alternate folder for databases. This folder should reside on the same CPU as your dedicated Server.

I recommend a review of the Server Tech Brief found at:



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Many thanks for your response Steven.

With regard to the OS, i thought it was OK to use a Server OS with FMS 8. In a previous post some months ago I mentioned that i was using Windows XP Pro and was adfvised at the time to upgrade to a Server OS, so I did and chose Windows Small Business Server 2003.

Also, could you tell where I can access the SAT Tool please?

Many thanks for your help.


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The recommended and certified OS is Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, not Small Business Edition or Web Edition, etc.

For the SAT Tool, from the Start menu, select FileMaker Server Admin. If it's not there go to Control Panels and Administrative Tools.

One question: if you don't know where it is, how did you set up your FileMaker Server options?


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The standard version of 2003 is the one that FMI officially supports. The SBS version is cheaper but with all the extra stuff that comes with it there is a lot of potential for performance degradations.

the SAT is installed with FMS, it's the Server Admin Tool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys

Many thanks for your responses. I appreciate your concerns over the OS and will look to rectify this.

With regard to the SAT tool, I'm aware of this and how to get into it, but I have not as yet been able to find where within the SAT tool that I actually set the location of the databases folder. This is why when I got Steven's post I thought perhaps there might be a different tool or a different way of viewing the main tool in order to find this setting. Would you be able to point me in the right direction please?

many thanks again.


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Hi Guys

Thanks for all your help so far. I've got everything up and running now but have a problem hosting one of the files and wondered if you could give me some advice on this.

The file I'm trying to host is a FM 8 multi table file which as far as I'm aware is fully set up for hosting/sharing, and was indeed working fine on a Mac OS X server running FMS8 before we transferred it. When you try to open the file from within the SAT tool it produces the 'checking' message and then the file reverts to being closed.

The size of the file is 132mb and I have increased the database cache to the maximum level but this hasn't solved the problem.

Could you suggest anything else i should be trying please?

many thanks


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Check the logs to be sure, but it sounds as though this file has failed its conssitency check. What is its history?

Close all files and then stop the service. Open the balky file in FileMaker Pro and from the File menu select Save A Copy, then select save as compressed. Try having FM Server open the compressed new copy instead of the old one.



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