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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Displaying Checked Boxes


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Checkboxes are just a way of seeing the data in a field. What you need to do is to look at the data in a regular field.

You can either put this on a separate layout, or on the same one.

Do a search of the Forum on Checkbox Display, and you might find more information on this subject.



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Hi gregtell, welcome to FM Forums!

As Lee says, you can place the regular field on your layout. Values in a checkbox display as multiline thus:




Right-click field and set Field Control Setup as Edit Box. Then you can set the field to Format > Set Sliding/Printing (if need be). Make the field as large as you need then apply Slide Left and/or Slide Up. If you want this list as one line separated by commas then you need to create a calculation (text, unstored) and display that on your printout with:

Substitute ( ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) ; "yourVLname" ) ; ¶ ; ", " )

LaRetta :wink2:

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If you want checkboxes on the checked items (but only the checked items), you can add a self-join TO on the record ID, define a value list based on the related original field, and apply that value list as a checkbox set to the field on the print layout.

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Thanks for you help. But I don't understand what you mean by: "If you want this list as one line separated by commas then you need to create a calculation (text, unstored) and display that on your printout with:

Substitute ( ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) ; "yourVLname" ) ; ¶ ; ", " )."

I have a database named Menu and a checkbox field named Items with several checkbox items and I would like the checked items only displayed on a single line seperated by either comas or spaces. Could you explain in a little more detail the above function? What is a calculaton (text, unstored) ?

I hope I am not asking for too much?

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When you attached your checkbox value list to your Items field, it meant that you have created a Value List. I assume it's called Items? Look and make sure of the exact name - you'll need it for the next step.

Now open your Define > Database > Fields tab and create a new field called cItemsLine. The TYPE of field will be calculation. When the calc box opens, you will put this in the calc box:

Substitute ( ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) ; "Items" ) ; ¶ ; ", " )

Change the result type (bottom left popup) to be TEXT. Then select Storage Options and click 'Do Not Store Calculation Results...' Say OK, then OK to back out of the calc box, then OK at your Define Database to save your new calc. Then add the new calc to your layout. It will display only chosen values as Value1, Value6, Value9 in a one-line display.

And no, you aren't asking too much. We expect people to come to Forums and ask questions. I ask many questions also. :smile2:

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Oh! But as Mike indicates, if you want the Value List to only contain entries for each record, you will need to establish a join (uniqueID = uniqueID) and base your value list on 'Use Values from Field' and only related (this self-join) values.

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Perhaps I am missing something, but it seems to me that a calculation field (result is Text) =

Substitute ( Items ; ¶ ; ", " )

should do the job of "checked items only displayed on a single line seperated by either comas or spaces".

Unless the checked items need to be sorted by their order in the value list (otherwise they will show in the order of their selection).

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