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Avoiding Resize on Scripted New Window?

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Thanks - looks like a great whitepaper, but I don't see my answer there.

In more detail: I have a window that is maximized. I click a button in the maximized window which runs a script which opens a mini-window (for Client selection). When the new window is drawn, the size of the original maximized button is also changed.

Does anyone know of a way to avoid this?



I think you may have misunderstood me.


Oh yes, I had clicked the wrong link! Woops...

So, I am guessing that there's no way around the resizing on PC... I have already put in place the workaround but I would love not to have that "bump."

Thanks for your help!



You are not alone in being annoyed by this behavior in windows. Doesn't seem to be an issue in the mac's though. Having to force the resizing of the original window is not an elegant workaround. Maybe a future fix will come.


Posted (edited)

I’m not sure if my problem is along the same line so I am attaching to this posting:

I have a splash screen, and deeper inside the db is the same smaller window you describe…no problems with my base window resizing when I open the little popup window…my problems start when I close the little window and then close the db right behind it.

When I reopen the db the splash screen takes the size of the last window which was opened. If it was the little popup window then the splash screen is just a little window about 200x200 pix.

However if I open another window the same size as the splash screen before I close the db the splash screen opens to its correct size?

I have tried to add a calc to open the window to the correct size and have tried the adjust window option but they do not seem to work at all.

Is this the same type of problem?



Edited by Guest

If you set your layouts such that they open and size to fit (instead of using the Maximize option) your windows will open as you specify. If you want, you can calculate the screen size, and set the window to that size (effectively getting full screen display without using the Maximize option).

BTW, as a Mac convert, I have to say that the "Maximize" button in OSX makes no sense to me, and I therefore never use it. At least in Windoze, that button is consistent, even if it does seem arbitrary...


Posted (edited)

Well, what is that Green plus button in OSX for (and called), then?

Well, a quick search turns up http://theappleblog.com/2007/04/09/hey-apple-fix-the-green-button-already/ which both names the button ('Zoom') and reiterates my observation...

See, for example, where the author notes:

Windows users probably find the green button even more frustrating because they’re familiar with the longtime three-button Windows controls of close, minimize and maximize. Since OS X windows also have three buttons (just on the opposite side of the titlebar) and two of them are close and minimize, you can’t really fault them for expecting the green one (which shows a + symbol when moused over) to be a maximize button. It’s not uncommon to see a new Mac user mention the lack of a maximize button on a blog or as feedback to a ‘Switch to the Mac’ article.


Edited by Guest

As always, Comment, that's good information!

I guess this just underscores some of the difficulties that cross-platform development involves. The Windows concept of Maximizing a window isn't the same in Macs.

The FM7 help file suggests that the Adjust Window command uses Maximize in Macland as well. Specifically it says "Maximize resizes the window to full-screen size" (Note no OS-specific info)--which is not even the behavior you describe.

But "Maximize" is not a valid concept in OS X (but is in Windows and Linux, hmm... do I detect a trend here?), so using the Adjust Window[Maximize] option in a cross-platform solution is bound to result in unexpected behavior.


I am getting a bit confused here.

Script steps:

Adjust Window [Maximize] does - on OS X - exactly what the help says it does: it resizes the window to full-screen size.

Adjust Window [Resize to Fit] resizes the window to the minimum size possible while keeping all items in the layout visible.

Window buttons:

Clicking the green button is roughly equivalent to Adjust Window [Resize to Fit].

Option-clicking the green button is roughly equivalent to Adjust Window [Maximize].

I am saying "roughly", because the green button has a memory of previous state/s, and clicking it repeatedly toggles between those states.

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