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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

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Originally posted by yafreax:

just a note, yes this will pretty much work, and i do it all the time, but if someone really wants to find something out, they will. . . Nothing is 100% effective yet, and probably never will be. . .


Actually I think the protection is near 100% and it is the frameset and all pages going just into the frames.

The Chromeless is also great.

Right click is just a gimmick, and why not.

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Originally posted by Anatoli:

Actually I think the protection is near 100% and it is the frameset and all pages going just into the frames.

The Chromeless is also great.

Right click is just a gimmick, and why not.

What is the "chromeless" effect? No borders? what?

Any way, i agree, why not do the right click. But with Frames, anyone can still directly access the pages within the frames if they wanted to. In fact, i can even do it through a filemaker plug-in ( web magnet 1.0.1). . . It's really just about knowing your users. I know that the people i deal with are basically Technological Morons so i don't really worry about it to much. I still hide my IP's and the such but I wouldn't say that it's near 100% effective for someone that REALLY wants to get by. For the average American Joe, or Czech *common name here*, sure it'll work.

And the number one way around the "No Right Click Tricks". . .

GET A MAC!!!!!!

Nothing worked on the above link for me, i don't right click, i cntr-click. Also if you know the shortcut commands to hide and show the toolbar, then when a page automatically hides the toolbar, you can just press the shortcut key (twice usaully) and it'll show back up. If you want to break out of frames, simple view the source, see what pages he is using to make the frames, and call the pages individually. Easy as pie, not quite 100%. . .


P.S. - Don't forget to inform me on the "chromeless" thing, thanks.

[This message has been edited by yafreax (edited March 01, 2001).]

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Well, it made me work and gave me a challenge, but it's still possible.

here's part of the code for your page containing the Navigation Bar:



<META http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1250">


<META name="Author" content="© 2001 PR Consulting Digital Media">

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" src="obchod.js"></SCRIPT>


<META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.detecha.cz/" target="_top">


<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOFOLLOW">

<LINK href="obnav.css" rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">


(that should be enough to let you know it still can be done).

None-the-less, you gave me a workout and that is a very nice way of doing things. . .


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Yeah, that is possible, but you cannot open any of the frames outside of frameset AND fiddle with the URL line, can you?

I am not protecting the HTML, what I am protecting is, that no one can easily modify the URL and send that to the server.

In any case, you know your stuff well :-)

Was it fun?

[This message has been edited by Anatoli (edited March 02, 2001).]

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well, if anyone out there has any experience with Texas, USA weather, then you know this to be true:

If it's 40 today, tomorrow will be 70 and this year, rain is in abundance, which sucks, because my landlord "Can't fix the leak in my ceiling if its still raining" So i just did a crappy patch work until he gets off his lazy bum and does it right.

Oh well, at least we have the 110 degree summer to look forward to!!

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