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Field Visibility Using Checkbox

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Have a field that uses a checkbox value list. There are nine values listed. I am using the JMO visibility trick to show and hide another field. When I check a box I want the other field to show. Uncheck = no show. Works well when I check one box but not multiple boxes.

Value 1 Checked and Other field Visible.

Value 1 Checked and any other Value checked Not Visible.

I have 9 values in the ValueList and 9 Fields I want to show or hide depending on the check box. If 4 boxes checked = 4 fields visible. I know it has to do with the calc but can’t figure it out. I have tried both the case and if functions. Both work with one box checked but not multiple.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

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The secret of the trick is that when you check the checkbox, you have "completed" the relationship to the portal that is used to show/hide the field.

I think that you cannot use a value list displayed as checkboxes. I think that you need separate fields for each checkbox, and separate portals for each field that you wish to show/hide.

I'd define my checkboxes as flag fields, that is, flag_Field1 type number. I'd put it on my layout formatted as a checkbox. I'd assign the value list "1/0" which contains 1 and a 0 (separated by carriage returns). Resize the checkbox to show only the first box (the 1). Hide the 1 by formatting the text of the checkbox to the layout background color. Put any label you want next to the checkbox.

The relationship to the portal will include this flag field. (You'll have a separate relationship for each of the nine values).

Btw, this really is a lot of overhead. I know this is neat, but reconsider if it's really helping achieve accurate data entry (the goal, I assume).

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