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Calculation to extract field data

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I am trying to make a calculation to extract specific data from a field to which I copy and paste a list of data items from another source.

For example the copied data would be something like this all pasted into one field

Name: Joe

Age: 45

Sex: M

From this field I would like a calculation "Name" field to extract the appropriate data from the pasted data field and then a separate calculation field to extract "Age" etc.

Hopefully this makes sense.

Let me know if I should clarify.


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There are various ways to parse text. For the example you provided I might do something like:

Name =

Substitute( GetValue( yourList ; 1 ) ; "Name: " ; "" )

IOW, take the first line of your list using GetValue, and then replace the label with blank.

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This topic is 6153 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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