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Windows login - can't authenticate.

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when logging in from one windows machine on the network (via open remote / or launcher file) the user is presented with the username and password however their credentials are not recognized.

I can log in with my credentials see they are in the list then I delete that user exit out of the db and log back in as them. This works for a few days then once again they cannot access the db. They have no method to change passwords.

I did find one odd thing when the password dialog box loads there is a space in the user name field. I am wondering why it is there, forcing us to delete the character each time.

Any one see this?

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When you log on to FMP for the first time it askeds you what user name you want to use. It seems that the user had typed in their username with a space, or perhaps changed the username that was prodided to them by FM, which is taken from the windows logon. Try going to the Edit>Preferences General Tab, Username:

Change the username to what the Windows username is and try that. Also double check the username in Windows Active directory to make sure it's put in correctly and have the Server checking autentication for both FileMaker and External sources. Hope that helps. Ron

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This topic is 6131 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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