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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Save via button only.


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I want users to open any/all layouts without the ability to edit any records except through the following buttons:


How can I do this?

p.s. I don't want them to click outside the field and commit either.

How can I do this? :help:

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Create an edit layout with global fields. The data in the globals only gets written back to the record when a save button is clicked.

You'll have to lock down the access privileges and tightly control the navigation for this to work.

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There may be another way, it clearly depends on what i understood.

Placing a Web viewer in the background would prevent any commit to the record.

Then you could use your button to commit or revert the record, assuming you meant revert instead of delete.

You could control validations ( commit ) through your own set of privileges as well, or you could create 2 sets of tab panels on the same layout, one with the wv, another without.

Well, I don't like globals that much, but Vaughan's approach is robust enough to let you control what the user is doing.

Edited by Guest
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I see that you rate yourself as a beginner (Spiral), so I felt it necessary to chime in here and say, "what you want is not native FMkr behavior." That is, FM systems typically let a user edit a record without any Save button (save as you exit a field), or Cancel Edits button. Sometimes certain fields on a layout are only accessible by clicking an Edit button, but rarely an entire layout of fields.

That said, it can be done, as described above, but it's a lot of extra work for the developer.

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