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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Portal Field vs Record Question


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I have two tables: (Insured, Policy) I have a portal on the Insured Table that Holds info for the whole record. The relationship between Insured Table and the Policy Table is one to Many.

On each policy page I have a small recap portal of the one on the insured page (Basically all this is portal (same used on the insured table but with the field entry turn off) . This all works great.

What I need is a way to make the recap portal on the policy page be able to be sorted differently on each policy page. Is this possible?

Thank you,


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These days I tend to do portal sorting using tab objects. Using this method, you don't technically "sort" the portal: you put a copy of the portal on each tab, and use the portal options to set a different sort order. If you make the tab's fill and line invisible, and position your buttons carefully, you make it appear that you are sorting the portal by clicking the column headers.

It performs great and requires no additions to your fields, tables, or relationships.

This technique works best with FileMaker 8.5 and higher, as it's easier to work with named objects. In FileMaker 8.0 you have to use Go to Field to navigate from one tab to another.

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I have a one to many relationship -- so this means I could have an unidentified number of policy pages to one insured page. I need a way to make each policy page sort it's portal differently per insured.

Does anyone know how I can do this?

Thank you,


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It might be possible, though probably not simple. Can you provide more details about how the sort order should be determined and which fields in the policies pages would play in this?

For example, if the insured is ________, the portal should be sorted by field _______, which is of type ________, and so on.

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Sorry let me try to explain:

I have a one to many relationship between Insured page and Policy Page. I have a portal on the insured page that holds information. I have put this same portal on each policy page (Just to display the info so you do not have to change pages. All I need is a way to resort each portal differently on each policy page by a field on the portal itself.

Can you help?


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I am afraid I am only getting more confused. To begin with, it would help if you called things by their correct names. A page in Filemaker is something you print (or see in Preview mode). I understand you have an Insured table, and a Policy table, and that one insured can have many policies, while each policy belongs to one insured only.

If this is correct, placing a portal on a layout of the Policy table makes no sense to me. Which table is the portal supposed to show records from? And what do you mean by "each policy page"? Normally, you would put a portal on a layout ONCE.

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Oh ok Now I know why you were not getting me. More about the set up:

I have an Insured Table with a portal of a 3rd page called InsuredLE. This displays information about the insured (only that insured).

As before noted I have a policy table that relates to that insured. So I put a copy of the InsuredLE portal on the policy table to help stop flipping back and forth between 2 tables.

What I Need to do is too be able to sort the insuredLE portal differently per policy table.


John Doe Insured Table

John Doe Policy1

John Doe Policy2

John Doe Policy3

Each Policy1, Policy2 and Policy3 must have a different sort of the InsuredLE Portal on it's page.

Thank you for the time


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Please see the example that I have made really quickly --- I know that the relationships are not done correctly but you get the Idea.

If you look at the policy page you will see a portal that is really the portal on the insured page -- what I need to do is sort each portal differntly depending on what is check.

How Can I do this?

Thank you for you time



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I know that the relationships are not done correctly but you get the Idea.

I am not sure about that. I get the idea FROM the relationships. If they are incorrect, this is useless.

If you look at the policy page you will see a portal that is really the portal on the insured page

No, I see a portal to the InsuredLE table.

what I need to do is sort each portal differntly depending on what is check.

"Depending on what is check" where? Well, the only thing I see that can be checked is the Used field, so if by chance you mean you want that portal to be sorted so that 'used' companies are sorted to the top or the bottom, just double-click the portal in Layout mode, choose 'Sort portal records' and move the Used field to the sort order.

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