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Importing Folder of Images


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I have a product catalog that I built in FM 8.5v2. When I import the fields, it looks great with my layout. My problem, is that I am unable to import the folder full of images, with the images matching up to the proper record. I was able to import them, but they didn't match properly.

2 separate phone calls with FM Tech, netted me nothing. They are both saying that it can't be done. I don't buy it. I've seen 300-400 page product catalogues that were made in Filemaker, and have pictures. I can't believe that they manually imported all those pictures.

Does anyone have any tricks up their sleeve that will allow me to import the images and have them match up with the correct records?

In my records, I have a field called: ITEMNO. And I have a containter called IMAGES that has the file name in it. The file name is the same name as the ITEMNO, but it ends with .tif.

Thanks for any direction.


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Take a look at the online help when you have FileMaker open. Search for [color:blue] Importing a folder of files all at once

It is saying the same thing Tech Support told you.


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Import your images into another table. Then define a relationship between the two tables based on matching item number.

But you don't even need to import the images (unless for some reason you want to embed them in the database). You can make your container a calculation field with a formula that returns the path to the file.

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Thanks for the input.

What I am trying to do is create the pages in Filemaker so that I can make a printed catalog by exporting the pages as PDF's. Then I need to import the PDF into Indesign so that I can create a book with the page numbers in the position I want and the headers I want.

I am trying to automate it so that I can create catelogues very quickly.

If you can elaborate on the table/relationship a bit more, I'd appreciate it.


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There's not much more to it. See if you can make it work using the attached file. Import your products into the Products table, and your images into the Images table. Use 'matching names' when specifying the field mapping for the images (or use the provided script).

The product code field in Products should match up to the calculated product code in Images, which is just the file name with the extension removed.


make a printed catalog by exporting the pages as PDF's. Then I need to import the PDF into Indesign

I am not sure you'll be happy with the image quality using this process. Perhaps you need to look for a way to pass only a reference to the original image into InDesign.


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Hi Lee,

It's slower, but a looping script will accomplish the same thing if the import isn't working right. I don't have the script I've used in the past handy but it reads approximately like this:

Go To Record/Request[ First ]


Set Variable[ $p; {path to folder containing images}]

Set Variable[ $f; ITEMNO & ".tif"]

Go to Field[ {ITEMPIC} ]

Insert Picture[ {ITEMPIC}; image:$p/$f ] store as reference if desired

Go to Record/Request[ Next, Exit After Last ]

End Loop

Hope this helps.

Edit: Missed the Go to Field[] step in the first post.

Edited by Guest
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