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Windows + Mac compatibility


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I'm new to these forums and have been using FileMaker for some time now (since version 8).

I created a standalone runtime inventory database for Mac, but the user I created it for has Windows and it wont operate.

Can I create one that is Windows and Mac compatible? Or can I create a Windows runtime off Mac?

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You can only create a Windows runtime when running FileMaker Advanced in Windows. If you have an Intel Mac you can buy and run Windows via Boot Camp. Or, for a little more, you can buy Parallels Desktop, which lets you run both at the same time (you want some extra RAM for this).

If you want to do use Vista with Parallels Desktop, you'd best read the restrictive licensing for virtualization. You have to buy the higher priced spread to use it that way. That restriction does not apply to Boot Camp, as it is not running within a virtual machine.

If you're still running a Mac Power PC processor, then there's Virtual PC. But gak, slow as molasses.

I'd think you'd want to test your runtime on Windows a little anyway. The window size, fonts, etc., are a little different.

Edited by Guest
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm kind of having some of the same questions - and haveing been away from FMP for a couple verisons.....

If I get FMP9 Advanced for my MAC - being that it is "Universal" do I still also have to buy a Windows Version of FMP 9 as well?

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This topic is 6077 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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