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I don't know if this will help, but in the ScriptMaker forum, Andy Gaunt posted April 15, 2002 09:28 AM:

For all those Mac Users sending emails via filemaker you might want to look at this site. They have a lot of applescripts for sending mail.

Guaranteed everytime.

Great for mass mailings from filemaker.




Andy Gaunt


Hi, Everyone,

Here is our problem. I want FM to compose and send email messages using my institution's email server. But this server requires authentication on send, and I haven't found CDML code that takes care of that. That is, my email server requires a password to send messages. I do have an example of email code that (I think) ought to work if authentication was not required. How do I get FM to do that, or can I?

Alternately, I also am finding references to "OpenURL" which will operate an email client, but I haven't figured out where/how to specify clicking the "Send" button in the applescript. We want the email to go automatically.




Anatoli is talking about allowing SMTP relay on certain IP's

....... BE VERY VERY CAREFUL that you set it up properly ........

if your server is used to relay millions of spam emails you may find yourself kicked by your network provider. Enabling SMTP relay WILL be in breach of their T and C's

you may want to check for yourself but I guarantee it will

you have been warned!!!

I use SMTP relay but have closed the relevant ports on my router to stop unwanted utilisation of my SMTP server by anonymous spammers ... this means however my mail server can only send email never receive ........ OK for me but probably not what your looking for ....... check out the apple script options before enabling SMTP relay.

[ April 17, 2002, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: scratchmalogicalwax ]


Either way will work; i.e. call an Applescript to manipulate the Mail program or configure the mail server to allow open-relay for that IP.

I use the Apple Mail Server which comes with OS X Server. In NetInfo you can setup the list of who does not need to be athenticated for relaying mail.

All the best.



It sounds like we are getting different things from original question.

FM WC has send email facility (syntax) for which WC needs real SMTP server. That server should be blocked against spammers, but open to WebCompanion machine IP to allow FM send emails with orders, acknowledgements and such stuff. If that SMTP requires password we have problem, because WC is dumb in this aspect and will not send any passwords. But it can be usually successfully implemented locally or with cooperation with ISP.

This topic is 8356 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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