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DDR - Finding unused scripts?

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Hi, I am trying to delete unused scripts in a solution. I am using the DDR in FMPA8.5 I may be missing the point, but when I look for unused scripts, they are not identified as not being used. It shows if they are used on a layout, on in another script, but doesn't show whether they are used from a button. I have a lot of scripts that are triggered from buttons and these are shown on the DDR exactly the same as unused scripts. Is there something I am missing, or is it the old manual search option...? Can anybody throw any light on the subject. Thanks...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's too bad nobody has answered this one. I would also very much like to know how to track which scripts aren't being used so I can clean them out. I came up with something clunky, but it does work.

If you create a new table called "ScriptUse" and make fields IDNum (autonum), scriptname (txt), dateused (creation date), then you can put a series of steps in EACH of your existing scripts.

The steps essentially write a new record in "ScriptUse" with the name of the scripts captured from 'Insert calculated result: Get(scriptname)'. I tried to make this a subscript step and just add THAT to each script, but then it would only get the name of the subscript, not the main one I was trying to track.

I'm certain that somebody more clever than I can improve on this.

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