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Records remaining to sort . . .

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I have problably changed something, but can't find it. Over the last couple of days I get the following dialog window and a slow response:


Records remaining to sort: (then a count #)

It has really slowed things down. Can I turn this off? It didn't used to do this.



You might have on the layout a summary field based on a sorted relationship, or something like that. When does this happen, in a script or what?


It happens with every layout I select off of the main page. I am sure it is something I messed up. I just don't know what. You mentioned a sorted relation. What would that be? (not the in-laws) Possibly a value list with a resort by alphabetical?



A sorted relation is something you set up in the relationships graph.

Did you check to see if there is a summary field on the layout?


Its does seem to me like there could possibly be a sorted relationship if you are stating that it is happening to you a bunch of different layouts. Go into layout mode on the layouts where you are having the issues to see what Table Occurrence they each represent. Most likely they will be from the same one. Then go into the relationships graph and check the relationships to that TO and see if one is sorted.

Posted (edited)


I checked every relationship, but none is set for sort.

Perhaps the index/storage function of a field? or?

- Update -

Found the problem. It was a field that was set up to place a common tagline across the bottom of all layouts. So I had it related to all in a chain. Not a good thing. So I need to find a better way to do that, any suggestions?


Edited by Guest

What is the tagline intended to show?


Some thing like:

company name - all rights reserved - 2008

I wanted to set it up as a global so I could change it in one place as opposed to 50 layouts when needed. (ie, 2007 to 2008)


A common practice is to create a single record "Preferences" table where you store such things as a tag line, button graphics etc.

Along with this create a Globals table with corresponding global fields.

Make a script that loads the globals with the prefs fields. This would run as part of your startup script.

You can use the globals fields on your layouts. The cool thing is that since they are globals, they will work anywhere, with NO relationship required!


That is great, thanks. I was able to get it to work on my backup copy I am running locally. When I then transfered the changes to the live version on the server, nothing shows up. I have checked the field, it is set up as a text global, the source field exists, the script is the same, but nothing. I think I read somewhere about a global needing to be set as a local user first, then loaded back to the server? Is that causing the snag or am I doing something wrong? There must be a better way than taking it down from the server to work on it. ??



Set the global field as part of the opening script. Globals will retain the value that it had when the file started being served, so if those global fields were cleared before being served, it will be empty for all the users.


thanks, yes, I had it identified in the open script. I just found a difference, and made the change. It worked, but I am confused as to why.

The original stored data that was being copied to the global field with the open script needed to also be a global field for it to work. Why is that?

thanks for the help.


Now it is not working again.

1 - The _STANDARDS table has a text field of "tagline" that is a calculated as:

"Company Name, Inc. - all rights reserved " &

Year ( Get ( CurrentDate ) )

* I took out the global on this one, but it won't work without it in the Local version, and not either way on the Server version.

2 - The GLOBAL table has a text field of "tagline_g" set as global.

3 - The open script is the following line:

Set Field [GLOBALS::tagline_g; _STANDARDS::tagline]

Using debug and running the open script, the global is not recieving the text. Debug shows no errors. When I close out and then reopen, the text line is in _STANDARDS but nothing in GLOBALS.

Any help is really appreciated. I'm stymied. This is working on my local version, just not on the server.


You will need to be on the layout for your standards table or a related table to access that data and set the global on your opening script. If you are on a different layout, you can always use a cartesian join to relate the table.


BINGO. That was it. I created a relation between the standards and opening TO's and it is working.

Thanks to all for your help. This is definitely one of the most friendly and helpful forums I have ever been on. Thanks again. Thanks for you patience to this novice that is trying to learn.

This topic is 6107 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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