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I just started playing around with FMStudio and I wonder what's the best way to validate new users records creation.

That is, let's say that I have a php "new user" web form with email and password fields, later used for login.

To make it simple, first I need to verify the email field (for instance, at least one "@" character). If passed, then I need to verify that the email address does not already exist in the "users table"

As a FileMaker developer, I would create a FM script that does this validation and returns a variable redirecting to one or another php file depending on the result of the validation.

But I guess that it would be more efficient to use first regular expressions, and then another php file with a recordset that would return a foundset count of zero if the email doesn't exist yet in the users table.

So I guess my question can be reduced to this: shall I use FM scripts or PHP scripts, for validation of creation of new users records?

Thanks in advance!

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