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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

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This has to be basic...

I am building a db that has eight portals, so far. An example of seven of them…

2 related tables, ‘List Manager’ and ‘Staff’. Relationship based on auto-enter ‘ID’ field (=1). ‘Staff’ has 2 fields which are also in a portal in ‘List Manager’.

Create a record in List View ‘Staff’ and a portal row is created in List Manager’s single record. Fill the fields in the List Manager-based portal and as you would expect, the related record is filled (and vice versa).

The eighth…

2 related tables, ‘Invoices’ and ‘Invoice Forms’. Relationship based on auto-enter ‘ID’ field (=1). ‘Invoices’ has 5 fields which are also in a portal in ‘Invoice Forms’.

I have created 33 records in Form View ‘Invoices’ and filled the 5 fields in each. The portal in Invoice Forms’ single record is displaying 33 blank rows.

I have checked the relationship, that ID fields always contain"1", that I have the correct fields in the portal, that they are within the row, even that text is black. What else could cause portal rows to have no content?

Incidentally, to print multiple pages from this portal I am also using <http://preview.tinyurl.com/3o8rmyw> which is <http://help.filemaker.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2948/kw/multiple%20page%20layout%20print/session/L3RpbWUvMTMxMjc5ODQ2My9zaWQvd2ZPKlRfQWs%3D>.

So far, the second portal shows the first record/portal row only, with text!


Your misuse of the FM terminology has me confused. "A db that has eight portals." What does that mean?

"2 related tables, 'List Manager' and 'Staff'" Huh? A "List Manager" table? Related by a constant 1?

"2 related tables, 'Invoices' and 'Invoice Forms.'" Again, huh?

Could you post a sample file, bcs I believe you're off to a very bad start here.


Sorry to confuse. I had seven (now five!) working portals in the database (db), and one portal that's playing up.

'List Manager' is a layout (actually the table is called 'Main Menu' for want of a better name). One user will be able to access and modify its contents (portals) giving him control over drop down list contents (I know there are other ways to edit drop downs).

"Related by a constant 1" - it works for all but one portal, and I can't think of another relationship that would do it!

Wherever asked account login = admin; no password (for now!)

Thanks for taking a look.


It sounds like the fields in the portal are coming from the wrong occurrence of the child table.

BTW, the 'Main Menu' idea can be problematic if two users want to modify contents at the same time. Also, "Related by a constant 1" is obsolete - use the x relational operator instead.


Just as an update things aren't right yet, but the portal rows are no longer blank. I have done nothing, apart from quitting and relaunching Filemaker (for other reasons).


< the 'Main Menu' idea can be problematic if two users want to modify contents at the same time. Also, "Related by a constant 1" is obsolete - use the x relational operator instead. >

Thanks for the points made.

'Main Menu' only contains two layouts - one is the initial layout with buttons to all other layouts and databases (better called 'Home'?), the other is the admin-account-only 'List Manager'. It's only called 'Main Menu' because that's what the intro layout has always been called (in the Access database being replaced).

I only recently jumped from v7 to v11, so 'x relational operator' is a new concept I will have to investigate.

This topic is 4874 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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