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We are running a Filemaker Pro 5 database via web browser, it works brialliantly. the only prblem that we are getting is the fact that when you print out the job sheet is either to small or to big. i have tried looking at all the printing prefs in Filemaker, also at the page setup but I've had no joy. Does anyone know a fix for this or has anyone else had this problem in the past.



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If you are connecting to the database through the web (and Web Companion) then it's not FileMaker Pro that is doing the printing, it's the web browser.

HTML is not a very good language for page design -- it was never designed for that. The only solution I can offer is to design an HTML page that doesn't look too bad on the browser of choice, then stick with it.

I'd hesitate to print important stuff -- say invoices -- through a web interface if their final appearance was considered important.

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About the only possibility for high fidelity documents over a FM web interface is to script the printing of the document to a .pdf file on the machine doing the web hosting and have it email the .pdf file to the end user of the report. -bd

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This topic is 8535 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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