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Cannot Edit or Delete Records

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Hi Everyone! Im new to all this and trying to get a simple database going where people will be able to edit and delete information, ive pretty much followed the book and the code is exactly what its telling me to put, but when i try and do any editing to a record or deleting of a record i get an error! ive looked through the discussions and did find one message that said you needed -recid that might be what im missing, but im not sure, heres the code, and any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks in advance

This is what i have for edit...



<title>Edit Article Request</title>



<form action="FMPro" method="POST">

<input type="hidden" name="-db" value="articlerequest">

<input type="hidden" name="-lay" value="webarticle">

<input type="hidden" name="-format" value="editresp.html">

<input type="hidden" name="-error" value="error.html">

<p>Please edit your information</p>


<p>First Name: <Input type="text" Name="FirstName" Value="[FMP-Field:FirstName]" Size=20></p>

<p>Last Name: <Input type="text" Name="LastName" Value="[FMP-Field:LastName]" Size=20></p>

<p><input type="submit" Name="-edit" Value="Submit"></p>




Thanks again for any help!!!


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  • Newbies

Thanks alot Bman!!! It works now! And Keith..."CDML Reference database" can you point me to one, or is it sitting under my nose? all i have is a filemaker pro visual quickstart book and thats where i was using the code that didnt work. Thanks alot for everything though!!!!


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A tip for the future: go to FMP Help aand print out the section for the Status(CurrentError) function. This will list all/most of the error codes, so you'll be able to look them up. Generally they are pretty clear aand often quickly lead to the solution.

Similarly, include the error code in yourr post to the forum. I'm surprrised that nobody has asked you what the error was! Without that information, everything is guesswork.

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This topic is 8499 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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