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adding content to existing field

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I am trying to create a web-forum on a Filemaker database.

What I thought I would do is create one field that holds all the responses

to each topic. I call this field "response". When a user submits his

response-form, I want to add, whatever he wrote, to the pre-existing content

of the "response"-field.


1. Response-field holds following content: "This is response one".

2. User submits a form from the website containing "This is response two."

3. The "response"-field in the FM database should now look like this: "This

is response one. This is response two."

Can anybody give me an idea of how to accomplish this?

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You can use the main response display field as a calculated field that concatenates the submissions from the other fields ... but this isn't a very good solution. Better to use a related file that holds all the responses.

I hope this helps,


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