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I would like to perform a search on a DB served and created on a FM11 Searcher using the PHP site setup tools. 

 This web site I would simply like to search the field “NT” for values of say 120. 

I expected something simple like:



But alas I seem to have too high expectations and it seems like I will have to build a form php page to perform a search via a URL? 


No. You can do this...


Build the two pages (search page and list page) using a search on NT with the PHP Site Assistant.


Test that the search works with the form going to the list


Now throw the search page away.


And in the list page, find anywhere it says $_POST and replace with $_REQUEST - the changes from looking for form information to either form or URL information.


Can you post the code from the list page? It has to pick up the form information some how...


Then I can provide an example URL as well...


Sigh... why I loathe the PHP Site Assistant, Part xxxx


$findrequestdata = $cgi->get('storedfindrequest');


Grrrr - there's the find information, hidden and opaque. Let me have a think about this


OK. Thanks. It is generalized…so obscure!


Here is the fmview.php doc. It has a $_post in it…does that help?



* FileMaker PHP Site Assistant Utility Classes and Functions
require_once "error.php";
require_once "Date.php";
define('DEBUG', 0);
// formats for dates and times
$displayDateFormat = '%m/%d/%Y';
$displayTimeFormat = '%I:%M:%S %P';
$displayDateTimeFormat = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %P';
$submitDateOrder = 'mdy';
function debugPrint($var, $value) {
if (DEBUG == 1) {
print $var . " = ";
switch (gettype($value)) {
case 'string' :
print $value . "<br>";
case 'array' :
case 'object' :
default :
print_r($value) . "<br>";
class CGI {
function get($property) {
if (isset ($_SESSION[$property]))
return $_SESSION[$property];
return NULL;
function testActionRequest($testvalue) {
$result = (isset ($_REQUEST['-action']) && $_REQUEST['-action'] == $testvalue);
return $result;
function storeFile() {
$path = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$nodes = split('/', $path);
$this->store('file', $nodes[count($nodes)-1]);
function checkStoredFile() {
if(array_key_exists('file', $_SESSION)){
$f = $_SESSION['file'];
$pos = strpos($f, '?');
if(!($pos === false)){
$f = substr($f, 0, $pos - 1);
if($f == 'authentication.php'){
$this->store('file', 'home.php?');
$this->store('file', 'home.php?');
function store($property, $value) {
if ($property == '-delete') {
$_SESSION['-action'] = 'delete';
} elseif ($property == '-duplicate') {
$_SESSION['-action'] = 'duplicate';
} else
$_SESSION[$property] = $value;
function clear($property) {
unset ($_SESSION[$property]);
function __construct() {
// Request parameters are saved in the session and accessed via the CGI.
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
$this->store($key, $value);
//  the record data submitted
$recordData = array ();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
/*  If a key does not start with '-' then it is a field parameter.
Capture the field value pairs in a record data array
and store it in the session separately under the key 'storedfindrequest'
when handling a '-find' request, or in the 'recorddata' key for '-edit' or '-new'  */
if(strpos($key, '-', 0) === 0){
    $isCommand = true;
    $isCommand = false;
if ($key === "userName" || $key === "passWord" || $isCommand ) {
$this->store($key, $value);
} else {
$recordData[$key] = $value;
//  get the field names
$fieldEditRecords = $this->get("fieldEditRecords");
//  always replace the existing find request
if ($this->testActionRequest("find")) {
// formats for dates and times
$displayDateFormat = '%m/%d/%Y';
if (isset($fieldEditRecords) === true) {
// move the submitted data to the stored find request; an array, keys: field names, values: submitted query
$storedFind = array();
foreach ($recordData as $index => $value) {
if(!($index % 2 == 0)){
//Convert any time/date formatted field 
                            if(array_key_exists($index, $fieldEditRecords)){
                                $fieldEditRecord = $fieldEditRecords[$index];
                            if (is_null($fieldEditRecord) === false && $fieldEditRecord->isEditBox()){
                                $resultType = $fieldEditRecord->getResultType();
                                    if ($resultType == "date")
                                        $value = submitDate($value, $displayDateFormat);
                                    else if ($resultType == "timestamp")
                                        $value = submitTimeStampForSearch($value, $displayDateFormat);
                     $storedFind[$fieldEditRecords[$index]->getFieldName()] = $value;
$this->store('storedfindrequest', $storedFind);
// clear it for a findall
} else {
if ($this->testActionRequest("findall"))
// store edit or new request record data
else {
if ($this->testActionRequest("edit") || $this->testActionRequest("new")) {
$this->store('recorddata', $recordData);
} else {
// clear out recorddata if not an edit
function reset() {
$_SESSION = array();
} // CGI
function getSortRecordsLink($fieldName, $fieldDisplayName) {
global $cgi;
$sortFieldOne = $cgi->get('-sortfieldone');
$escapedFieldName = urlencode ($fieldName);
$escapedFieldDisplayName = str_replace(' ','&nbsp; ',htmlentities($fieldDisplayName,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8',false));
// ascending is the default
$direction = 'ascend';
$sortfieldlink = "<a href='recordlist.php?-skip=0&amp;-sortfieldone=$escapedFieldName&amp;-sortorderone=$direction'>$escapedFieldDisplayName</a>";
// was the -sortfieldone query parameter set in the session?
if (isset ($sortFieldOne)) {
// if so, did it specify the sort order parameter?
if ($fieldName == $sortFieldOne) {
$direction = $cgi->get('-sortorderone');
// now flip the direction for the column header link
if (isset ($direction) && $direction == 'ascend')
$direction = 'descend';
$direction = 'ascend';
$sortfieldlink = "<a class='sorted' href='recordlist.php?-skip=0&amp;-sortfieldone=$escapedFieldName&amp;-sortorderone=$direction'>$escapedFieldDisplayName</a>";
return $sortfieldlink;
function getStatusLinks($resultPage, $rs, $skip, $max) {
$links = array (
'first' => 'First',
'prev' => 'Prev',
'records' => array (
'rangestart' => 0,
'rangeend' => 0,
'foundcount' => 0
'next' => 'Next',
'last' => 'Last'
$fetchcount = $rs->getFetchCount();
$foundcount = $rs->getFoundSetCount();
$total = $rs->getTableRecordCount();
if ($total == 0 || $fetchcount == 0) {
return $links;
} else {
if ($fetchcount > 0) {
if ($skip > 0) {
$links['first'] = "<a href='$resultPage?-skip=0&-max=$max'>" . $links['first'] . "</a>";
if ($skip >= $max) {
$prevskip = $skip - $max;
$links['prev'] = "<a href='$resultPage?-skip=$prevskip&-max=$max'>" . $links['prev'] . "</a>";
if ($foundcount - $skip > $max) {
$nextskip = $skip + $max;
$links['next'] = "<a href='$resultPage?-skip=$nextskip&-max=$max'>" . $links['next'] . "</a>";
$lastskip = $foundcount - $max;
$links['last'] = "<a href='$resultPage?-skip=$lastskip&-max=$max'>" . $links['last'] . "</a>";
$links['records']['rangestart'] = max($skip + 1, 1);
$links['records']['rangeend'] = min($foundcount + $skip, $fetchcount + $skip);
$links['records']['foundcount'] = $foundcount;
return $links;
/* formatDate parses an input string containing a date and returns a Date object.
dateString The string containing the unparsed date
dateOrder A string describing the order of date elements; 'mdy', 'dmy', etc.
delimiter A character delimiter to be used for parsing the input $dateString.
returns null if the date can't be parsed. */
function formatDate($dateString, $dateOrder, $delimiter) {
  $day = null;
  $month = null;
  $year = null;
  $dateOrder = str_replace("%", "", $dateOrder);
  $dateOrder = str_replace("/", "", $dateOrder);
  $dateOrder = str_replace("-", "", $dateOrder);
  $dateOrder = str_replace(".", "", $dateOrder);
  $dateOrder = strtolower($dateOrder);
$temp = split($delimiter, $dateString);
$numOfVariables = sizeof($temp);
  switch($dateOrder) {
// format xml
  case "mdy": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($month, $day) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($month, $day, $year) = array_values ($temp);
  case "dmy": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($day, $month) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($day, $month, $year) = array_values ($temp);
  case "ymd": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($year, $month) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($year, $month, $day) = array_values ($temp);
  case "ydm": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($year, $day) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($year, $day, $month) = array_values ($temp);
  case "myd": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($month, $year) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($month, $year, $day) = array_values ($temp);
  case "dym": {
  case 1:
  list($month) = array_values($temp);
  case 2:
  list($day, $year) = array_values($temp);
  case 3:
  list($day, $year, $month) = array_values ($temp);
  return null;
  $d = new Date();
  return $d;
// Parses a string containing a time and returns a Date object, or null if the string can't be parsed.
function formatTime($timeString) {
$timeDelimiter = "[.:]";
$ampmDelimiter = " ";
  $hour = null;
  $minute = null;
  $second = null;
  $ampm = null;
$timeArray = split($timeDelimiter, $timeString);
if (count($timeArray) == 3) {
list($hour, $minute, $second) = $timeArray;
$ampmArray = split($ampmDelimiter, $second);
if (count($ampmArray) == 2) {
list ($second, $ampm) = $ampmArray;
else {
list($hour, $minute) = $timeArray;
$ampmArray = split($ampmDelimiter, $minute);
if (count($ampmArray) == 2) {
list ($minute, $ampm) = $ampmArray;
if (is_null($ampm) === false && strtolower($ampm) == "pm" && $hour != 12){
$hour += 12;
$d = new Date();
  return $d;
// display date obtained in xml format in a given output format
function displayDate($dateString, $outputFormat) {
if (is_null($dateString) === false && strlen($dateString) > 0) {
$d = formatDate($dateString, "mdy", "/");
return $d->format($outputFormat);
// display time in given format
function displayTime($timeString, $outputFormat) {
if (is_null($timeString) === false && strlen($timeString) > 0) {
$t = formatTime($timeString);
return $t->format($outputFormat);
// display time stamp in given format
function displayTimeStamp($dateString, $format) {
if (is_null($dateString) === false && strlen($dateString) > 0) {
$ampm = "";
$dateArray = split(" ", $dateString);
if (count($dateArray) == 2) {
if (sizeof(split(" ", $dateString . " " . $format)) == 5){
list($date, $time, $dateFormat, $timeFormat, $amPm) = split(" ", $dateString . " " . $format);
list($date, $time, $dateFormat, $timeFormat) = split(" ", $dateString . " " . $format);
} else {
list($date, $time, $ampm) = $dateArray;
$pmFormat = null;
$formatArray = split(" ", $format);
if (count($formatArray) == 3) {
list($dateFormat, $timeFormat, $pmFormat) = $formatArray;
$timeFormat = $timeFormat . " " . $pmFormat;
} else {
list($dateFormat, $timeFormat) = $formatArray;
$d = displayDate($date, $dateFormat);
$t = displayTime($time . " " . $ampm, $timeFormat . " " . $amPm);
$t = displayTime($time . " " . $ampm, $timeFormat);
return $d . " " . $t;
function isPortalField($record, $fieldName){
return !in_array($fieldName, $record->getLayout()->listFields());
// convert date from given format to xml format for submission
function submitDate($dateString, $inputFormat) {
if (is_null($dateString) === false && strlen($dateString) > 0) {
$d = formatDate($dateString, $inputFormat, "[./-]");
return $d->format("%m/%d/%Y");
// convert time to xml format for submission
function submitTime($timeString) {
if (is_null($timeString) === false && strlen($timeString) > 0) {
$t = formatTime($timeString);
return $t->format("%I:%M:%S %P");
function submitTimeStampForSearch($dateString, $format){
if (is_null($dateString) === false && strlen($dateString) > 0) {
list($date, $time) = split(" ", $dateString, 2);
$d = submitDate($date, $format);
return $d . " " . $time;
// convert time stamp from given date order to xml format for submission
function submitTimeStamp($dateString, $format) {
if (is_null($dateString) === false && strlen($dateString) > 0) {
list($date, $time) = split(" ", $dateString, 2);
$d = submitDate($date, $format);
$t = submitTime($time);
return $d . " " . $t;
function submitRecordData($recorddata, $command, $cgi, $fieldslist = null) {
$fieldEditRecords = $cgi->get("fieldEditRecords");
if (isset($fieldEditRecords)) {
//This is to get around the fact that emptied out checkboxes are not passed in to be committed. 
if(sizeof($fieldEditRecords) != sizeof($recorddata)){
for( $i=0; $i < sizeof($fieldEditRecords); $i++){
$isFieldEditable = $fieldEditRecords[$i]->getIsEditable();
$isCheckBox = $fieldEditRecords[$i]->isCheckBox();
if(!isset($recorddata[$i]) && $isFieldEditable && $isCheckBox){
$recorddata[$i] = "";
foreach ($recorddata as $field => $value) {
// lookup the field's edit record within the session
if(array_key_exists($field, $fieldEditRecords)){
$fieldEditRecord = $fieldEditRecords[$field];
if (is_null($fieldEditRecord) === false) {
$fieldName = $fieldEditRecord->getFieldName();
$repetition = $fieldEditRecord->getRepetition();
$recID = $fieldEditRecord->getRecID();
// handle related fields
if ($fieldslist != null && !in_array($fieldName, $fieldslist)) {
if (isset($recID) === false) {
// creating a new related value
$recID = 0;
// related field names end with '.relatedRecID'
$fieldName .= '.' . $recID;
$value = implode("r", $value);
if($action = $cgi->get('-action') === "new"){ 
if(strlen($value) > 0){
$command->setField($fieldName, $value, $repetition);
$command->setField($fieldName, $value, $repetition);
} // foreach
// execute the command
if (($result = $command->execute()) === false) {
DisplayError("commit failed!");
return $result;
// add the sort criteria from the session to the find command
function addSortCriteria($findCommand) {
$sortCriteria = array(
'-sortfieldone' => '-sortorderone',
'-sortfieldtwo' => '-sortordertwo',
'-sortfieldthree' => '-sortorderthree',
'-sortfieldfour' => '-sortorderfour',
'-sortfieldfive' => '-sortorderfive',
'-sortfieldsix' => '-sortordersix',
'-sortfieldseven' => '-sortorderseven',
'-sortfieldeight' => '-sortordereight',
'-sortfieldnine' => '-sortordernine'
global $cgi;
$i = 1;
foreach ($sortCriteria as $field => $position) {
$sortField = urldecode($cgi->get($field));
$order = $cgi->get($position);
        if (isset($sortField) && isset($order)) {
       if ($order == "ascend")
          $order = FILEMAKER_SORT_ASCEND;
       elseif ($order == "descend")
          $order = FILEMAKER_SORT_DESCEND;
   // otherwise the order is a value list name 
       $findCommand->addSortRule($sortField, $i, $order);
        } else
// clear the sort criteria from the find command and the session 
function clearSortCriteria($findCommand) {
$sortCriteria = array(
'-sortfieldone' => '-sortorderone',
'-sortfieldtwo' => '-sortordertwo',
'-sortfieldthree' => '-sortorderthree',
'-sortfieldfour' => '-sortorderfour',
'-sortfieldfive' => '-sortorderfive',
'-sortfieldsix' => '-sortordersix',
'-sortfieldseven' => '-sortorderseven',
'-sortfieldeight' => '-sortordereight',
'-sortfieldnine' => '-sortordernine'
global $cgi;
foreach ($sortCriteria as $field => $position) {
function prepareFindRequest($storedfindrequest, $findcommand, $cgi) {
// map from cgi to fm php api format 
$findops = array('cn' => '*',
'bw' => '*',
'ew' => '==*',
'eq' => '==',
'neq' => '!=',
'lt' => '<',
'lte' => '<=',
'gt' => '>',
'gte' => '>=');
// go through the submitted data and convert to a form appropriate for fm php api 
foreach ($storedfindrequest as $fieldName => $value) {
// look for operators 
if (($oppos = strrpos($fieldName, '.op')) > 0) {
// create the fieldname by stripping the operator 
$fieldName = substr($fieldName, 0, $oppos);
if(isset($storedfindrequest[$fieldName])  && is_array($storedfindrequest[$fieldName])){
$stringValue = implode("r", $storedfindrequest[$fieldName]);
$storedfindrequest[$fieldName] = $stringValue;
// prepend the value with the find operator retrieved from the operator map 
if (isset($storedfindrequest[$fieldName]) && strlen($storedfindrequest[$fieldName]) > 0) {
switch ($value) {
// begins with becomes the search value followed by wildcard 
case 'bw':
$storedfindrequest[$fieldName] = "==" . $storedfindrequest[$fieldName] . "*";
// contains surrounds the value with '*' 
case 'cn':
$storedfindrequest[$fieldName] = $findops[$value] . $storedfindrequest[$fieldName] . $findops[$value];
case 'ew':
$storedfindrequest[$fieldName] = $findops[$value] . $storedfindrequest[$fieldName];
// all the others precede the value 
$storedfindrequest[$fieldName] = $findops[$value] . $storedfindrequest[$fieldName];
// now, go through and add the find criteria to the find command 
foreach ($storedfindrequest as $field => $value) {
// skip the operators, they are handled above 
if ((strrpos($field, '.op') > 0) === false) {
// ignore empty values 
if (strlen($value) > 0) {
$findcommand->addFindCriterion($field, $value);
} else
return $findcommand;
function getMenu($valuelist, $fieldvalue, $menutitle, $fieldType, $submitDateOrder) {
global $cgi;
$selected = "";
$options = "";
$selectedFound = false;
foreach ($valuelist as $eachvalue => $storedValue) {
if ($fieldType == "time") {
$storedValue = submitTime($storedValue, $submitDateOrder);
}elseif ($fieldType == "timestamp") {
$storedValue = submitTimeStamp($storedValue, $submitDateOrder);
if ($storedValue == $fieldvalue) {
$selected = " selected";
$selectedFound = true;
$selected = "";
$encodedEachValue = htmlentities($eachvalue,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8',false);
$encodedStoredValue = htmlentities($storedValue,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8',false);
$options .= "<option value=$encodedStoredValue $selected>$encodedEachValue</option>";
return $options;
// Return the source attribute value for a container field image 
function getImageURL($fieldData) {
return "img.php?-url=" . urlencode($fieldData);
/*  Create a fieldEditRecord for the specified field, repetition, and record id.
Store it in the fieldEditRecords array, store it in the session and return
the index to be used to look up the original field, repetition, and record id
during form submission.  */
function getFieldFormName($fieldName, $repetition, $record, $isEditable, $style, $resultType) {
global $cgi;
$duplicateEntry = false;
if (isset($cgi) === false) {
$cgi = new CGI();
global $i;
if (isset($i) === false) {
$i = -1;
$recID = 0;
if ($record != null)
$recID = $record->getRecordID();
$newFieldEditRecord = new FieldEditRecord($fieldName, $repetition, $recID, $isEditable, $style, $resultType);
$fieldEditRecords = $cgi->get("fieldEditRecords");
if (isset($fieldEditRecords) === false) {
$fieldEditRecords = array();
$fieldEditRecords[$i] = $newFieldEditRecord;
$cgi->store("fieldEditRecords", $fieldEditRecords);
return $i;
function storeFieldNames($fieldName, $repetition, $record, $isEditable, $style, $resultType) {
getFieldFormName($fieldName, $repetition, $record, $isEditable, $style, $resultType);
return $record->getField($fieldName, $repetition);
// Extract the field name, repetition number, and record id for a submitted field value 
class FieldEditRecord {
private $_fieldName;
private $_repetition;
private $_recID;
private $_submittedValue = null;
private $_isEditable = true;
private $_style;
private $_resultType;
function FieldEditRecord ($name, $rep, $rec, $isEditable, $style, $resultType) {
$this->_fieldName = $name;
$this->_repetition = $rep;
$this->_recID = $rec;
$this->_isEditable = $isEditable;
$this->_style = $style;
$this->_resultType = $resultType;
function getFieldName() {
return $this->_fieldName;
function getRepetition() {
return $this->_repetition;
function getRecID() {
return $this->_recID;
function getIsEditable() {
return $this->_isEditable;
function getResultType() {
return $this->_resultType;
function isCheckBox(){
if($this->_style == "CHECKBOX"){
return true;
return false;
function isEditBox(){
if($this->_style == "SCROLLTEXT" || $this->_style == "EDITTEXT" || $this->_style == "CALENDAR"){
return true;
return false;
/*  This a wrapper for a FileMaker_Record that checks the find request
and encloses any data matching the request in a span marked with the 'found' class.
The css files define the look of found items.  */
class RecordHighlighter {
private $_findRequest;
private $_record;
function __construct($record, $cgi) {
$this->_record = $record;
// if there's a stored find request save a reference 
$find = $cgi->get('storedfindrequest');
if (isset($find))
$this->_findRequest = $find;
$this->_findRequest = NULL;
function getRelatedSet($relationName) {
return $this->_record->getRelatedSet($relationName);
function getField($fieldname, $repetition = 0) {
// call the inherited version to get the data 
$result = $this->_record->getField($fieldname, $repetition);
$field = $this->_record->getLayout()->getField($fieldname);
if(isset($this->_findRequest[$fieldname])  && is_array($this->_findRequest[$fieldname])){
$stringValue = implode("n", $this->_findRequest[$fieldname]);
$this->_findRequest[$fieldname] = $stringValue;
if ($this->_findRequest != NULL && !FileMaker::isError($field)) {
// if the find request is for a field specified highlight the target 
if (isset($this->_findRequest[$fieldname]) && strlen($this->_findRequest[$fieldname]) &&
    $field->getResult() != 'date' && $field->getResult() != 'timestamp' && $field->getResult() != 'time')
$target = $this->_findRequest[$fieldname];
$replace = "<strong>" . $target . "</strong>";
$result = str_replace($target, $replace, stripslashes($result));
return $result;
function getRecordId() {
return $this->_record->getRecordId();
}; // RecordHighlighter
function getInputChoices($type, $valuelist, $fieldvalue, $fieldName, $fieldType, $submitDateOrder) {
// formats for dates and times
$displayDateFormat = '%m/%d/%Y';
$displayTimeFormat = '%I:%M:%S %P';
$displayDateTimeFormat = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %P';
$submitDateOrder = 'mdy';
$selected = "";
$fieldValueArray = explode(" ", str_replace("n"," ", $fieldvalue));
foreach ($valuelist as $eachvalue => $storedValue) {
$temp = $storedValue;
if ($fieldType == "date"){
$temp =  displayDate($temp, $displayDateFormat);
$eachvalue =  displayDate($eachvalue, $displayDateFormat);
}elseif($fieldType == "time"){
$temp =  displayTime($temp, $displayTimeFormat);
$eachvalue =  displayTime($eachvalue, $displayTimeFormat);
}elseif($fieldType == "timestamp"){
$temp =  displayTimeStamp($temp, $displayDateTimeFormat);
$eachvalue =  displayTimeStamp($eachvalue, $displayDateTimeFormat);
$storedValueArray = explode(" ", str_replace("n"," ", $temp));
if (sizeof(array_intersect($storedValueArray, $fieldValueArray)) === sizeof($storedValueArray) ){
$selected = " checked";
$selected = "";
$encodedEachValue = htmlentities($eachvalue,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8',false);
$encodedStoredValue = htmlentities($storedValue,ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8',false);
if ($type == "checkbox"){
echo "<input type='$type' name='$fieldName" . "[]'" . "value=$encodedStoredValue $selected>$encodedEachValue";
echo "<input type='$type' name='$fieldName' value=$encodedStoredValue $selected>$encodedEachValue";
function echoTextArea($fieldName, $i, $record, $isEditable, $style, $resultType, $fieldValue) {
echo "<textarea class="fieldinput" type="text" cols="30" rows="5" name="";
echo getFieldFormName($fieldName, $i, $record, $isEditable, $style, $resultType);
echo "">".$fieldValue."</textarea>";

Sigh - I use FX.php rather than the FileMaker PHP API - and this level of opacity is one of the reasons... This would take me 5 minutes to write in FX. And would then be readable and modifiale easily by anyone with some PHP experience.

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