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Cold fusion inserts - help i'm a beginner!!!!

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Hi Folks

I am new to using Filemaker, but as the company I work for have all there web stuff hosted on it, I am having to learn quickly.

I am A cold fusion developer by trade, and what i want to do is have a CF form on-line that writes to the filemaker database the submitted fields. I was told that this was fine using the ODBC driver for FM.

the problem I am having is that, I can do the insert once, everything works fine.

i think go back and try it again and it throws an error, saying

ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)

[FileMaker][ODBC FileMaker Pro driver][FileMaker Pro]Unknown error

if I then try again it works, but then the cycle repeats itself throwing the errors!!

I am using FM 5.0v3 not the unlimited version.

I am testing on virtual PC running the CF server through that.

The CF code is just a simple insert tag.

I know this is not ideal but I have to make do.

Is the problem that I am not using the unlimited version, or is this a greater issue with FM's ODBC driver.

I have tried the script on an Access database, and it works fine, so no problem there.

What is everyones views , is thee a simple solution to this or should i throw FM out the window, and go and buy SQL Server 7, ( what a pain!!)

I have also tried it on the free 5.5 download and it is just the same.

Any views or ideas, are very welcome



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