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I made a database, yesterday, I was using it today, then I closed it, but hours later, when I tried to open FileMaker Again, appear some problems: first, I made one record (Record 1), but when I tried to make any onther record (Record 2), it cames with the same data from first record, and if i modify it, the data changes to Record 1 too.
And hours later, I can not type any data into fields, what's the fail ? I have not any global field. Im with full acces privileges. 


Are you sure that you're not opening a New Window instead of a New Record Request?


The general topic areas are reserved for the discussion of the new tools, functions, and features that were introduced with that version of FileMaker, not for asking how-to questions.
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That's int this link: 


It's a Financial Statement:
2 tables: EstadoResultados (Statement) and Proyecto (Project)

In "EstadoResultados" layout there are the portals, one per statement component with 3 input fields.
The calculation and summary fields at the end of each portal are ok.


What I need is to have a button on each portal to add a new row. I'm not sure about the relationships.
To have a field In "Project" layout that shows the data from "Utilidad Neta" field.

The link again: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xeb6affda03xde/EstadoDeResultados.fp7?m


Sorry about my insufficient knowledge about FileMaker:

Suppose an empty database,
What i really want is to have a layout to make financial statements for projects, one record per statement, any project can have many statements. To have a button (script) that allow add new portal rows, I'm not sure about the relationships I made in that document.
In the Project layout, to have a field that show the "utilidad neta" field form its statement and/or a field that show the sum of "utilidad neta" field of all the records of that project.

I need to know how to do it, thanks.



Sorry about my insufficient knowledge about FileMaker:


Here is a basic primer (no pictures):


For the simplest form, you need two tables: a Projects table, and a Statements table; this is a one-to-many relationship. Projects have a serial key, which is unique for each Project. To link Statements to Projects, you create a so-called foreign key field in Statements where you store the key of the Project the Statement belongs to. (This is all much easier in practice than it is to describe.)


When you create a relationship between those tables, you can specify "Allow creation of related records …"; check it for the Statements table, but not for the Projects table. When this option is checked and you put a portal on the Projects layout that points at the Statements table (it's actually a TO, but we save that distinction for later), then you see an empty “spare” row in the portal where you can put in data. You don't need to input the primary key into the foreign key field (and you don't need to display it, not should you!); FileMaker does this automatically, because it sees that you want create a related record, and this key is … well, the key to that.


Note that a portal is used on the one-side; it's a device to see multiple related records (from the many-side). if you want to see multiple records in the “native” table, use a list layout. (See below)


Now even in this simple form you only need to add an amount field and a date field to the Statements table, and you could make calculations like "Show the sum of statements for project X in 2013" (provided you entered the statements). Add a category field and a value list, and you can extend that calculation to "Show me the sum of all statements of type Z for Project X in 2013".


If you want to see a summary like Sum of all statements across all projects in 2013, broken down by category and ready for print, you'd use a list layout with sub-summary parts in the Statements table.


Have a look into the attached file; it's basically the description from the text. Hope this brings you up to speed.



Thanks eos, but that's not exactly what I need


In Statements layout, I need, in mandatory, portals in wich i can add portal rows for each statement component, like in "Ventas" portal (Sales portal), add rows, the summary Field "Total ventas" sum all amounts from that portal, and that's the same for all portals, at the end of the statement, the last field "Utilidad Neta" is the Total Net Income.


In Projects, I need a field that sums all it's Net incomes (sum of Net incomes from all statements corresponding to each project) and a portal that shows each statement with its corresponding id and Net income ("Utilidad Neta" Field)


There's another problem (maybe because the incorrect relationships) I make a new record (Record 1) in Statements, but when I add another record (Record 2), it comes with data from Record 1

In portal on Project layout, there's a problem, if there are two or more satetements for a project, each one comes with a same net income, and not with the corresponding.

Sorry, I don't know how to attach a file here, so I put another link for the file modifed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p6m6i3ckqpu0dq9/EstadoResultV2.fp7?m

This topic is 4205 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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