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Inserting Image

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I have a calculation field that when other fields have text in them, my calculation field get the letters "AR" inputted. When those other fields contain nothing then my "AR" field contains nothing. It works out fine for my web page because "AR" shows up only when it's supposed to. BUT, I would like to somehow make it stand out more, possibly have a graphic in there in addition to the AR. Is it possible to insert a graphic in my calculation result?

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Originally posted by Partha Dasgupta:

What I've always found more "comfortable" is to store an image (though usually I store two - one as the 'on' image and one as the 'off' image) in a global container field.

Good point Partha, but it is not advisable to store images in Filemaker when accessing through the web. It slows down the database. Better to store the link to the graphic and use the static HTML to bring it up.

wink.gif" border="0

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