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Adding a new year


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Hello again, long time since I visited. I have setup a curling membership database to record all pertenant info; being which league, the team they are on, team position etc. But now I want to create a new years worth of data. I thought about this at its inception but time got the better of me and I negelected it. My thoughts were that I create a new year table, then create a new record in that table. then, when I create new team or member have it populate a current year field in the respective tables with the value of the current year. or curryr_ID. This way when a new record is created, it will have that ID attached to it. Follow me?

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If I'm understanding the original question, if the desired result is to auto-enter the current year:

Year( Get(CurrentDate) )

OTOH if the year number you need is not always the current one then the approach you described makes a little more sense.

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This topic is 3236 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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