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2empowerFM Plug-ins for El Capitan and Developer Assistant Updates

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Crestline, CA - Dracoventions has released 2empowerFM Hands-Free Printer v3.6 to fix issues with the new OS X 10.11 El Capitan. All other plug-ins in the 2empowerFM family were tested and no compatibility problems were found with El Capitan.

Additionally, Developer Assistant v3.0 for OS X final release is now available and a Beta version of Developer Assistant Standard edition for Windows FileMaker 14 is available by contacting us through support.dracoventions.com

El Capitan updates and DA 3 for OS X are available immediately at 2empowerFM.com. This update is also recommended for current or future users of Windows FileMaker 14 in 64-bit mode. Full details of fixes and changes can be found in the release notes.

About 2empowerFM Plug-ins

Our 2empowerFM line of plug-ins save you time during FileMaker development and add powerful features to your FileMaker solutions. Our plug-ins include:

2empowerFM Developer Assistant
- Quickly search all scripts to find ones containing a string or pattern.
- Find table names, function and script step names, field metadata, and more, without generating a DDR.
- Replace text in script steps and in the multi-line text boxes in any dialog.
- Debug and develop faster by evaluating highlighted expressions immediately instead of copying, closing dialogs, and pasting into FileMaker's Data Viewer.

2empowerFM Hands-Free Printer
- Automate printing and control printer-specific settings.
- Save money by enforcing the use of double sided and toner saver modes.
- Prevent costly mistakes like printing all records instead of current record.

2empowerFM Menu Popper
- Pop-up multi-level menus anywhere on a FileMaker layout.
- Use unique dropdown menus to show type-ahead search results from multiple searches.
- Make menu items bold, italic, underlined, bulleted, or add separator lines between items.

2empowerFM Keyboard and Mouse
- Easily link hotkeys to scripts, create image-map buttons, and change the mouse cursor.

2empowerFM SQL Runner
- Insert and Update data in any FileMaker table without changing layouts or creating extra table relationships.
- Use an SQL query in a calculated field to generate dynamic pop-up lists.
- One of our FREE plug-ins!

2empowerFM Text Toolkit
- Perform powerful search and replace in database text using Perl-compatible regular-expressions.
- Generate a hash of data using many algorithms including SHA512, SHA256, and MD5.
- Another FREE plug-in!

2empowerFM Clipboard Explorer
- Save and restore objects on the clipboard including stylized text, FileMaker scripts, and layout objects.
- Also totally FREE!

Pricing and Availability

Plug-in updates are available immediately at 2empowerFM.com

El Capitan updates for paid plug-ins are free to those who purchased a license within the last year, or longer if intervening plug-in releases contain only minor new features or small fixes. Check the dates posted in the release notes to see if you qualify for a free upgrade on your particular plug-in license. All older licenses may be upgraded for 50% off the price of an equivalent new license.

Hands-Free Printer licenses start at $99. Contact support.dracoventions.com if you're interested in a special 50% off license that allows HFP only to control default FileMaker and OS printers.

All plug-ins can be tested for 30 days free of charge and demos are fully functional. Up to three demo extensions are available upon request.

About Dracoventions

Dracoventions is a FileMaker Business Alliance (FBA) member located in Crestline, CA, USA. Dracoventions is focused on inventing software that empowers you to save development time, expand FileMaker's abilities, and create a better user experience.

With over 25 years of software engineering experience, company-founder Chris Dragon was inspired by the business needs of a FileMaker-based non-profit to create the 2empowerFM Family of Plug-ins. These plug-ins include Developer Assistant, Hands-Free Printer, Menu Popper, SQL Runner, Text Toolkit, and more. Plug-ins are available at 2empowerFM.com


Chris Dragon

Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.dracoventions.com


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