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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

exporting data from a relational databases

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when I export data from a relational database it does not export all data. i.e. I am running a session data base that is related to a speaker database. when I export the description an objective field plus the speakers the export contain all the field however when a session contain multiple speaker it only bring the first listed speaker not all.  any Idea how to do this


Edited by msoussi
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Your file still cannot be opened.

I am assuming you have two tables: Sessions (parent) and Speakers (child).

If you export from the Sessions table, and include fields from the Speakers table in the field export order, you will get a row for each speaker, but the fields from the Sessions table will be populated only in the first row of each session, for example:

"Session A","Speaker A.1"
"","Speaker A.2"
"","Speaker A.3"
"Session B","Speaker B.1"
"","Speaker B.2"

If you export from the Speakers table, and include fields from the Sessions table in the field export order, you will get a "flat table" with full row for each speaker:

"Session A","Speaker A.1"
"Session A","Speaker A.2"
"Session A","Speaker A.3"
"Session B","Speaker B.1"
"Session B","Speaker B.2"

To export the currently viewed Sessions from the Speakers table, start your script with Go to Related Record[] and select the 'Match all records in the current found set' option.

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Always share compressed files; such as .zip or .xz, or you can just save a copy of the file and name it 2015_conference.fp7.bin

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This one opened for me.


The script attached to the Button “View Speaker List” is a script called “Attendee List” - could that be the problem?

Edited by Lee Smith
feed back on script
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