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Multiple Buttons each Filled With a Color Based on Field Value

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I have 20 fields that can either be "Yes", "No", Maybe, empty". Each field is controlled by a pop-over button with those 4 choices. When a choice is made, I want the pop-over button to be a color associated with the value (Yes, No, Maybe, or Empty(no fill/color). I am looking if these is a more elegant way to setup my scenario, other than setting up 60 conditional formatting rules.

Does anyone have a good way to do this?


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If you want to have 20 objects (fields?) with conditional formatting, you can either set up each object's formatting individually (i.e. 60 rules in total), or set it up once, duplicate the object 19 times, and reassign the duplicates.

But most likely you should have 20 records instead of 20 fields - then you only have to set it up once (in a portal row).

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I like that idea of putting in a separate table, except each button is overlayed on an image representing a location. So the position of the button/field on the screen is important. 

Any other ideas?

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You can, also utilize repeating fields and a few script triggers. The only drawback to this is you cannot have the cursor change on hover because the routine triggers when entering the field.

See attacked file.

Good luck and I hope this helps!


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Don, thanks for your version of the implementation! I did some similar things in the method I am using.

I am using two fields for each of my 20 fields..(40 fields total), A data field and a calculated container field. depending on the value in the data field, the container calulation will use the correct image. I use that container and the pop-over together  wherever I need it on my layout to get my desired result. I found this to be more flexible than conditional formatting in this case.

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Yeah... my sample was really conceptual in nature. There could be may variations of the technique based on the needs.

FYI - Conditional Formatting can also display images (Fill with image instead of color) ;-)

Take care...


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