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Filemaker 14 crash with hosted file

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My Windows 8 user just upgraded to FMP14.  When accessing a hosted file (built in FM 12 on an FMS 12 server at a hosting service), FileMaker crashes on one particular script. Other users have no problem on Windows or Mac.

She reinstalled FMP14 and reinstalled the FMP14.0.3 update. No help.

This would indicate to me that a preference file might be corrupted, but I have no idea where such a file might be on a Windows machine.

The script is

Enter Find Mode [ ]
Set Field [ AMYA Members::Current; 1 ]
New Record/Request
Set Field [ AMYA Members::MemberType; 7 ]
Omit Record
New Record/Request
Set Field [ AMYA Members::MemberType; 6 ]
Omit Record
Perform Find [ ]
Set Variable [ $$CurrentMembers; Value:Get ( FoundCount ) ] Set Field [ globals::MemberMYcount; Get ( FoundCount ) ]

She does not have Advanced, and is at a remote location 1500 miles from me.

Can anyone offer some clues as to where I should go next?

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