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Changing Picture Orientation

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Is there a way to manipulate the orientation of a picture based on the information found in GetContainerAttribute?

I'm assuming that we cannot change the data that is in the file. The problem I'm seeing is a few images are coming into FM sideways or upside-down. Was hoping that I could add a couple of buttons on the layout for the user to 'rotate left' or 'rotate right'. 

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A bit clunky i know but one way is to create two versions of the picture - one in landscape and the other in Portrait (rotated). Generate a flag from a button script which controls the hide criteria. If you want this a little more automated and you are always expecting a particular orientation use PatternCount(Images::image rotation;"180") or PatternCount(Images::image rotation;"90 degrees") to generate the hide options.

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Sadly that's what I was afraid of. 

At times I am amazed at the features we do get in FM. And just as often I am amazed at features that seem simple, but are missing. Even the Mac Preview app has the ability to rotate a file and then save it.

Thanks John for the suggestion.

Edited by oakbridge
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