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Rename an uploaded file

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I am working with a document repository that has existed for a while, however I now have the need to be able to rename an already uploaded file.  I figured I'd be able to do this either by calling scMove or scCopy and specifying a new filename parameter while leaving the filePath the same, but unfortunately I've had no luck so far.  Is there an easier way to rename an uploaded file or am I going to need to go down the road of 'download file -> remove file from server -> re-upload file with new file name to old folder path'?

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Hi James, 

There is not a function that explicitly renames the already uploaded file. You will not need to download,delete,and then re-upload if you already have the file locally. You can use SCSetContainer with the renamed file and push it to the server to the same location as the preexisting file and it will overwrite it. If you do not already have the file locally then you will need to download, rename, and the upload to the same location, overwriting the preexisting file.

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This topic is 3158 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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