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Field Size

Albert Cheung

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I am now setting up a inventory database, I encounter one problem.. some of the products I have to record with long description and some items simply with a few words as description.. This is easy to handle in the per record browse mode, I can simply make a large description field that can hold up more words..

Now  I need to to have all these item to be put in the portal as one item one single row, for items with long descriptions, the row is not long/large enough to show all the description information, if I make the row size larger then I will have too much unused space for those item with a few words description..

Please let me know what is the suggested way for you gentlemen to handle this kind of issues..  Please see screen dump attached.. Capture.thumb.PNG.e040db19c1f215052edaef

kindly advise..

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Portal rows are uniform in size. So you can choose between showing the entire description (and suffering too much "unused space" on some records), or showing only part of the description and providing some means to view the full description on demand.


59 minutes ago, Albert Cheung said:

This is easy to handle in the per record browse mode, I can simply make a large description field that can hold up more words..

I don't see how that's any different.

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I would venture to say that for data input like the screen seems to be built showing the full description is kinda meaningless.  However if you want to use that same layout for printing then yes, you'd want the full description to show up on the printout.  That's easily fixed by not printing that layout but printing from the line items and using FM's native sliding and scaling of fields.

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