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Drop box information


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  I want to be able to add something to my filemaker system.  I've got about 5 items that are currently in a drop box.  Right now we select the item in the drop box and then manually type into a comment box about 20 other items that we need.  I would like filemaker to help me.  When I choose the item in the drop box I would like it to keep asking for the information I need that corrolated to the first drop box.  What is the best way to go about this. 



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Ok first thing.. i am guessing that you mean drop down instead of drop box.

If this is the case then use as on object exit trigger associated with the drop down control as the method of executing a script that walks the user through the process of entering the data.

the details of the resultant workflow are up to you. If its only 20 or so fields for data entry they i would go to a layout designed for data entry of only exactly what you need. If its realyl simple then perhaps a popover can do the work.

Edited by Kris M
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  Yes,  I meant drop box.  But I don't follow on what I need to do.  Normally drop boxes have a few items that you choose from.  Once I pick the item it stays selected and that's it.  I want to be able to select an item, then it asks since you selected this you will have to select from the following.  Then continue till everything is covered. 

Edited by cterrell16
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16 minutes ago, cterrell16 said:

Yes,  I meant drop box.

No, you meant a drop-down list. At least I think that's what you meant - you are not being very clear. At first I thought you were referring to the Dropbox cloud service.


23 minutes ago, cterrell16 said:

then it asks since you selected this you will have to select from the following.

I am afraid that's not very clear either. What exactly does "it asks" look like? I can think of at least two options: (1) show fields relevant to the selection for the user to fill in, or (2) narrow down the selection/s in further drop-downs (a.k.a dwindling value list/s).

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39 minutes ago, cterrell16 said:

If I choose A I want the drop box to let me select 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A.

In the same field? Hopefully not. Anyway, if you want a value list to reduce the available values as a result of making a selection, you must define it to show only related values - and define a relationship to suit. This technique is known as a "conditional value list" and there are numerous demos of it posted.

P.S. This is a professional forum, dealing with highly technical issues. As such it is important to use the correct technical terms. So please don't say "drop box" when you mean a "drop-down list" - especially not after this has been pointed out to you, twice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone that could update or add to our filemaker database so it can better meet our needs. 


  For instance.  We currently use filemaker for work order generation, shipping and invoicing.  But our accounting uses peachtree . They have to manually type everything again and add it to peachtree.  I would like to be able to hit a button to port all the info to peachtree if possible.  This is just one need that we are looking at.

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This topic is 3118 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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