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Help - Unintentional Window Resizing

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I have a script that is attached to a button on a layout.  the script first step of the script opens a new window with sizing parameters and then goes to a layout.  The problem is the script is resizing the window that the button is on, along with opening the new window in the dimensions specified on the New Window step.  I can't figure out why this is happening.  I don't want to change the size of the current layout when opening the new window.  The steps of the script are:

New Window

go to layout

perform find

Sort Records

Enter Preview Mode

Thanks for any suggestions.



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I'm going to guess your original window was Maximised - this is a long standing issue with Windows based FileMaker... It de-Maximises when the new window is created:


And for making popup windows that work really nicely, also have a read of:




Edited by webko
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I think FileMaker will someday fix this. Until then, your best bet is to add this line before New Window:

Move/Resize Window[ Current Window; Width: Get(WindowWidth) ]

Notice you don't even have to subtract anything from the width or deal with the height. This is sufficient to un-maximize the window in the least intrusive way. If the window is maximized, it will just shrink by a pixel. If it's not, or your user is on a Mac, the window will stay as is.

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This topic is 3124 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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