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zulu with FMS14 and Server 5.0.15

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Dear Support, 

I have an unusual setup in that I run OS X Server and Fms14 on one machine.
I reinstalled the FMS Server..here everything works. Web direct, Websites from the SERVER app 5.15. 
When I run the installer it downloads the Tomcat version 7.07.. but still it says: Installation failed, deployed application at context path/zulu but context failed to start. 
What can I do. 
I try to run OS X Server 5.15 and Fms14 on one machine using reverse proxies. 
FMS uses ports 8001 for http and 8011 for Https. 
Everything works but I cannot install Zulu2. 
With Zulu1 and Yosemite the thing worked now for nearly two year.. but I wanted to upgrade to keep up to date. 
Help appreciated. 
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Webko, thanks for your reply. I run FMS14.04 on a El Capitan Machine with OS X Server 5.015. FMS is compatible with 10.11.2

However this is not a optimal configuration since FMS and the Server app fight for http and ports 80 and 443. 

However with a help from precursor.ca (reverse proxies)  I run this setup for a couple of year (since FMS13) and we would like to continue and not invest in another CPU. 

Now, FMS and Server are functioning, I have web direct, OS X Server functions, OD, Filesharing, Profile Manager.. Only the darn Zulu.. cannot yet get it to work.. 


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360Works Support here,

We were able to identify the issue, this time OS X Server was completely innocent.

There was an exception thrown when trying to read registration info from a preferences file.

It's likely that a bad install of Zulu cleared this registration info, but not completely, leaving it in an unknown state.  When a later installation tried to load the info, it would fail and Zulu would never start.

This fix will be pushed to the store within a few weeks, and the issue itself is rather rare and I doubt anyone else will run into this in the meantime, but if you think you are experiencing this issue, or one like it, email us at:

[email protected]

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