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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Break down Pop up menu value list


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please can someone help me solve my issue

I created a manufacturing solution that to every product one can select its ingredients from a pop up menu in a portal.

the portal then take you to the related ingredient page where it has additional info about the ingredient

my issue is when i created it there were only a few products so wasn`t such an issue scrolling down the list to select the relevant ingredients, but as the solution expanded and more products were added the ingredients list became very large and one has to scroll through several 100 of ingredients to select the one he is looking for.

i would like to break up my pop up menu , ie one should first select with what alphbet the ingredients starts with and his list is then shorter and easier to manage.'

please can someone help me how to do this or if someone has any other idea how i can make the solution easier to use.

I would appreciate someones help, thanks in advance.

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I cannot test on Windows at present but popups on Windows have been broken for several versions (since 11, I think), not allowing someone to type a letter and jump to that letter.  Does that happen to be the problem here?

Popups on Windows should have been fixed by now so please excuse me if so.  :-)

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On 1/12/2016 at 2:07 PM, H said:

I created a manufacturing solution that to every product one can select its ingredients from a pop up menu in a portal.

the portal then take you to the related ingredient page where it has additional info about the ingredient

I also wanted to ask you ... how does this 'the portal then take you to the related' happen?  Do you have a script trigger OnObjectModify attached to the Ingredients field?  I just want to make sure you have not accidentally turned the field into a button because if so, it wouldn't let you enter the field either.

On 1/12/2016 at 2:07 PM, H said:

i would like to break up my pop up menu , ie one should first select with what alphbet the ingredients starts with and his list is then shorter and easier to manage.

If this is a pre-existing Windows bug and you need another approach, there are a few:  1) Create a conditional value list where first popup holds the alpha letter and, upon letter being selected, the second popup displays the filtered ingredients or 2) place a popover in the row.  When it is popped open, it displays a value list of the letter and a (either relationally or portally) filtered portal for ingredient selection.

Option 2 using portal filter would be simplest to set up with the lightest footprint, since number of ingredients is fairly small.  I am hoping someone with Windows will confirm/deny this bug still exists or I might break down and install Boot Camp - I've been meaning to do that anyway since I doubt I'll ever dust off my Windows box again.

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LaRette , thanks for your reply, what i had realized is that on a drop down i do have the ability to type in but there i have the issue as in my portal only my id`s show up rather than my ingredient names which is too no good to me.

i hear you option 2 about creating a popover, please if you don`t mind explaining that option in more detail.


when you asked how the portal take me to related item is i have a button in the portal which pick up on the parameter of the ingredient in that row and that take me to the related record through GTRR script

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