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Printing report in webdirect


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until recent my solution was run in Pro by its users, recently i uploaded it  to Webdirect to allow my users to log in even when they are not on their usual desktop.

i realized one major issue which is very crucial to me, i cannot print the reports created with the regular print script.

How would i overcome this, how would i print the reports within the browser?

i would appreciate if one could help me out on this.

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what do you mean?

i had created a button for Pro to print the reportt however in WD it doesn`t work, how can i script the report should print

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All browsers have a Print function - you just can't script it through WD. They actually have to go and find the Print menu item (or Crtl + P)

Which also means you may need a special WD Print layout so it looks right when it is printed.

Another option might be to have a robot copy of FM in the office handle the actual printing

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This topic is 3085 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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